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Be prepared for a shock - No triple lock = No vote.

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This time it is absolutely nailed on that the people that carry the Tories over the winning line will be voting against their own self interest. I'm excluding here the 30-35% of the electorate that is the natural Tory constituency


I agree. I don't understand how ordinary people can vote for the Tories, let alone defend them.


The Tories are not operating in the interests of the ordinary people or even most of the middle class.


They must be laughing their socks off at people's naivety.

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I agree. I don't understand how ordinary people can vote for the Tories, let alone defend them.


The Tories are not operating in the interests of the ordinary people or even most of the middle class.


They must be laughing their socks off at people's naivety.


Ask someone in benifits or someone who has been left to rot in mining community what the labour government did for them in the salad days of the late 90s up to the financial crash. They'll probably tell you they're fighting eu migrants, brought in successive labour governments, for low paid jobs. Now you could quite easily take that argument apart, but it's a clear reason for the rise of ukip and the consolidation of the Tory right.

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The Tories are not operating in the interests of the ordinary people or even most of the middle class.


The trouble is that there is no such thing as ordinary people any more as there is now a vast divide. Even the working class, whatever that now means, believe they are middle class.

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I agree. I don't understand how ordinary people can vote for the Tories, let alone defend them.


The Tories are not operating in the interests of the ordinary people or even most of the middle class.


They must be laughing their socks off at people's naivety.


Where do you come up with these over simplistic and patronising statements from? What are you talking about "ordinary people".


Are you so deluded that you think your precious Labour is representing the so called "ordinary people". Perhaps that is why they are tanking in the polls. Perhaps that is why they are keeping their own toxic leader off their campaign materials because of the image he portrays.


I have said before that those salt of the earth "proper job" lower income working class people are NOT represented by Labour any more. In fact if you look at the key target areas those voters have the same priorities, opinions and political stances more in line with the right wing parties just like the high earning Chipping Norton set. That is why the tory share has increased and further right parties such as UKIP are going from totally forgotten about to mainstream news.


Its no secret that that trend is expanding beyond our own shores too.


You need to just accept that not EVERY tory voter is some high earning, fox hunting, slum lord, banker, country set type.


Its those sorts of stupid stereotypes, sheep mentality and confining areas of people into a catergorised box that needs to stop.

People need to vote with their own volition on policy and facts not be bullied into following the heard or be pulled by the populist mentality.


There is no such thing as an "ordinary" person. People are unique. People have freedom of opinion and freedom of choice. People should be allowed to vote for who the hell they want to without feeling pressured or persecuted by others just because they do not comply with some fantasy stereotype categories.


Some people need to grow up and stop treating politics like some gang mentality.


In real life not everyone finds it grim up't north and not everyone in Hampshire is a millionaire. Not every tory voter is a Bullingdon Club member and not every Labour voter is a car factory worker from Sunderland.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Where do you come up with these over simplistic and patronising statements from? What are you talking about "ordinary people".


Are you so deluded that you think your precious Labour is representing the so called "ordinary people". Perhaps that is why they are tanking in the polls. Perhaps that is why they are keeping their own toxic leader off their campaign materials because of the image he portrays.


I have said before that those salt of the earth "proper job" lower income working class people are NOT represented by Labour any more. In fact if you look at the key target areas those voters have the same priorities, opinions and political stances more in line with the right wing parties just like the high earning Chipping Norton set. That is why the tory share has increased and further right parties such as UKIP are going from totally forgotten about to mainstream news.


Its no secret that that trend is expanding beyond our own shores too.


You need to just accept that not EVERY tory voter is some high earning, fox hunting, slum lord, banker, country set type.


Its those sorts of stupid stereotypes, sheep mentality and confining areas of people into a catergorised box that needs to stop.

People need to vote with their own volition on policy and facts not be bullied into following the heard or be pulled by the populist mentality.


There is no such thing as an "ordinary" person. People are unique. People have freedom of opinion and freedom of choice. People should be allowed to vote for who the hell they want to without feeling pressured or persecuted by others just because they do not comply with some fantasy stereotype categories.


Some people need to grow up and stop treating politics like some gang mentality.


In real life not everyone finds it grim up't north and not everyone in Hampshire is a millionaire. Not every tory voter is a Bullingdon Club member and not every Labour voter is a car factory worker from Sunderland.


OK, I agree that trying to label people leads to confusion but it's purely for the sake of brevity, and I know that anyone from any walk of life can vote for any party they want. Let's just say then that the Tories won't be doing many favours for anyone on less than £50,000 a year, but the very richest will undoubtedly continue to get richer.


Also take into account how the Tories are dismantling public services that we all will probably need some day, and in future have to pay for out of our earnings (and savings if we can afford any,) and you begin to see the extent to which most of our lives will be poorer.


And that's not taking into account the 'I'm all right Jack' attitude that goes along with it. And let's not mention the barefaced lies that mealy mouthed May has the cheek to spout about 'helping the just managing.'

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Where do you come up with these over simplistic and patronising statements from? What are you talking about "ordinary people".

I don't often agree with Anna, but on this one I do.

If it were my statement, ordinary would mean anyone who isn't on a minimum of a 6 figure income and doesn't come from family wealth or have or expect to have a C level job. 95% of the country. Ordinary in that they are not extraordinarily wealthy.

Oh, and anyone under 40, because the conservatives are hell bent on throwing away the future for incomprehensible reasons.

Not that labour are doing much better, they have little in the way of policies and can't even bring themselves to oppose brexit (which would put them on the side of 48% or more of the population immediately).

You need to just accept that not EVERY tory voter is some high earning, fox hunting, slum lord, banker, country set type.

It's obviously true. But the ones who don't fit that stereotype are almost certainly voting against their own best interests!


There is no such thing as an "ordinary" person. People are unique. People have freedom of opinion and freedom of choice. People should be allowed to vote for who the hell they want to without feeling pressured or persecuted by others just because they do not comply with some fantasy stereotype categories.

Yes, you're unique, snowflake.

Give over. When looking at 65 million people it's not very helpful to pretend that there is nothing in common between any of them.

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