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Eggstrodinary discovery

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One of our plant pots has been dug out over night. It's not knocked over - just completely dug out with soil everywhere - is this likely to be foxes?


Yes indeed. My brother used to find 'fox eggs' reasonably frequently on his allotment.

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When they're not busy being marsupials, Hillsborough Tree Penguins lay eggs and hide them … plant pots, sardine cans, space-hoppers, you name it.


The name ' Hillsborough Tree Penguins ' sounds cute. As for eggs, I'd quite like to find a faberge one.:)

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I must admit, I'm somewhat taken aback by what I've learned about the somewhat complex gestational cycle of the fox on this thread. Up until now I always thought that with a fox being a marsupial, It carried it's young about in it's bushy tail up until adulthood.


Now it transpires that foxes lay eggs which they bury in plant pots until they hatch into (presumably) eggplants in a metamorphasis more akin to butterflies and moths (lepidoptera, for the more savvy). Quite how the chrysalis foxlet evolves from flower to cub has still got me stumped, although I'm sure someone on here could explain this un-googleable conundrum. Some pictures would be nice too.

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We once planted lots of bulbs and added lots of bone meal foxy must have smelled something he liked and dug every one up.


A light meal should be encouraged to fight obesity amongst the local fox community.:P

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