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"Taxis" using bus lanes

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They are allowed, but why worry?


Half the non-taxi donkeys in Sheffield can't read and never move into bus lanes when the are allowed to, outside the restricted hours.


I'd be too scared of getting fined.

I had to triple check that motorbikes are allowed in the bus lanes before using the one on Penistone Road.

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I don't think the SCC capitulates quite that easy to the taxi drivers demands, the meeting I was in attendance along with a few colleagues was well considered and there were two sides of the argument well presented. It wasn't the case of taxi drivers and the Council but Private Hire for and the Hackney carriage Association against the use of bus lanes by Ph and complicated by the bus contingent against both of them. It was a well considered and in hindsight the right decision, despite myself being against it at the time.


It​ was just that at the time I used to see a lot of private hire vehicles using the bus lanes, and they must have been getting away with it because they just carried on doing it untill it was made law.

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Too scared of getting fined to use a bus lane when it's not in operation?


Sshh, don't let everybody know. I love passing them when they are queuing :D been called a few names with hand gestures a few times when using a bus lane legally :loopy:

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