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Where is the justice? 8k stolen and not locked up

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My last final post on this.


I cant verify the truth of her story. I am not in favour of theft. Anyone thinking chopping hands or tatoo stupid things on the face are in my opinion barbaric idiots.


If you can't verify the truth of her story then maybe you shouldn't be defending her so vociferously.

She is a recidivist with a proven history of dishonesty.

For all you know her domestic bills could be sky and keeping her jacuzzi hot.

A thief is a dishonest person wether they steal from an employer or a stranger and in fact stealing from an employer attracts stiffer sentence than a stranger.

Edited by monkey104
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So its her employer's fault that shes a thieving scumbag? :loopy:


They were nice enough to give her a job in the first place. Which she didnt have to take. Maybe everyone who works there should steal then.


I cant afford a holiday home in Los Angeles, should i start stealing from work?


Hmmm, I really think a case like this could be judged on the woman at question. If she has a track record of stealing then this shouldn't go unpunished. If she really is a woman with a family who's struggling, then I'm unsure.


Read the article link from the Star, it appears she is a serial thief.

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She didn't steal from peoples pockets! She used her employers till and started doing it cause she was desperate to pay her domestic bills.


You should have "I am a nutter, watch out" tattooed on your face.


Two points :- She put her colleagues jobs at risk, by possibly making the store unprofitable .

staff and customer theft is covered by increased prices to protect profit, so yes she did steal from people pockets.

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Yes I think she should be tarred, feathered, hung, drawn then quartered :rolleyes:


Yes stealing is wrong & if it was my money she stole I would be angry. - but for God sake, she a local woman whose nicked money from her employer. She's not a hedge fund manager or banker that caused the credit crunch!

I have no reason to disbelieve that she racked up debts because she fell foul of one of these loan companies. I wasn't in court, and as far as I'm aware, nobody on this thread were either.

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A thief found guilty should be punished, severely. All the bleeding hearts who make excuses for these convicted folk would quickly change their minds if their money or property went missing.

As for the scum who broke into our old caravan very recently, I dare not say on a public forum what I would do to them. It certainly would not involve patting them on their shoulder and saying, there there it doesn't matter.



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