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Where is the justice? 8k stolen and not locked up

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Having said that, I don't agree with the trend that many prisoners only serve half of their sentences. That to me seems wrong.


I watched something the other day which mentioned prisoners only serving half their sentence. I think the rationale behind it is that once they've been released then it's like being permanently on parole; one wrong move and they can be locked up for the remainder of their sentence.


I may have got the wrong end of the stick but it sounded like "You have to behave for the rest of your life as you have the rest of your sentence to complete".

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Thinking of this for a couple of days but am still perplexed as to how this scam works (Base Green Co-op). If a person is working at a till/cash register and a customer returns an unwanted item having already paid for it. Say item is worth 5 quid, then cashier gives customer 5 pounds back then till is then 'light' by that amount. Even tho' store has 'voided' item back (what happens to item then ?). If clerk takes cash value of item-another fiver- then till is 10 quid down which surely would be discovered later same day, I assume.


there is no customer, she makes a void,the till is up for the amount of the void, she then pockets the difference.

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