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10 years in prison for kodi

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Does that mean that it never actually became legal or fair use in the UK to copy something (time shift it) for your own use or for backup?
The legality of copying a work (media/broadcast/print/<etc.>) for personal or education use (fair use) has certainly been tested aplenty in the UK, both under the old Copyright Act 1956 Act (-at the time, which already had 'fair use' exceptions in Section 7) and the current CDPA 1988 (which has positively tons of 'fair use' exceptions in Chapter III), but never in such a ground-breaking way as the Universal v Sony case in the US (which was brought on by Universal to stop the legality of recording/time-shifting, not by Sony [manufacturer of the early Betamax VCRs] to allow it).


There is a specific time-sifting exemption in the UK, after a (relatively recent) update to the CDPA 1988, but it was ruled unlawful in a 2015 High Court decision, so its relevance and applicability is questionable. It's a pity the Secretary of State relied mostly on the evidence of download-only services like iTunes, and did not rely more upon the (now well established-) practice of bundling (pricing in) a digital copy with the physical media version (most DVDs and Blu-Rays come with a 'free' digital copy download code, and have long done so). The HC Judge might have been convinced the other way if so.


See this as a useful reference/compendium :)

Edited by L00b
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Although such powers are yet to be tested, because the government know the big boys are very much against any kind of government data sharing.


It'll be a very long and very costly trip through the courts before there's any real possibility of change.




I think this shows the government's intentions quite clearly...I've been involved in these discussions at work for some time so it's nice to have it out in the open at last...

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Till it's been through the mill it's just all hearsay, the big telco's aren't going to like being forced to put some kind of backdoor into their system, and as for VPN blocking, well thats not yet worked for the Chinese and they have total control over their ISP's.

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Till it's been through the mill it's just all hearsay, the big telco's aren't going to like being forced to put some kind of backdoor into their system, and as for VPN blocking, well thats not yet worked for the Chinese and they have total control over their ISP's.


I do wonder what all the meetings I've been having about just that over the last few months have been about then.


The Telcos were EXTREMELY strong in their dislike for the current requirements to hoard and store peoples internet usage but that got pushed through. Do not underestimate the desire of this government to monitor everything we do, even at the expense of common sense and the online economy.

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I do wonder what all the meetings I've been having about just that over the last few months have been about then.


Well hopefully for nothing, but since you seem to be basically implementing the entire thing yourself why don't you tell us?


Have your meetings drawn much comparison with China and the relative merits of their methods?

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Well hopefully for nothing, but since you seem to be basically implementing the entire thing yourself why don't you tell us?


Have your meetings drawn much comparison with China and the relative merits of their methods?


I completely agree but I doubt it. And thanks for the compliment but there's quite a big team of us trying to work it out at the moment. I look after one small but important bit. :thumbsup:


I do the technical bits, not the political bits, I save the politics for on here and down the pub where I often find myself at odds with my own job.


This is an anonymous forum so I'm not going to share my details with you, however if cyclone is about I'm sure he'd at least vouch for my basic credentials in this area based on my linkedin profile and what he knows I do for a job. Well unless my last 10 years of job history on there is all fake too. I guess sometimes you just need to take what people say at face value, because if you won't trust anything people say it rapidly makes forums pointless.

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I'll vouch for sgtkate working in an appropriate industry in a skilled technical role.


Ta muchly.


I will share what I can, but you have to understand I'm not Edward Snowden and I'm not ever going to be so I cannot share tons of information publically.

Basically, if I see something in the public domain that aligns with what I see professionally I'll share it on here. And you can take my word it's a fair reflection, or you can take it with a pinch of salt. I'm not the gospel on all thing DEB or IPA.

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