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10 years in prison for kodi

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Sorry but you can't blame people for downloading movies and TV shows when in todays day and age, the average everyday person can't afford all the subscription costs of watching them.








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It's the people that go into an Asda and walk out with a 15 pound blu-ray that I feel sorry for. Takes me 30 seconds to get the same version for free online at home.

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In effect it is exactly the same. I'm watching/listening to someone else has paid for which is either unavailable to me or that I am unwilling to pay for. No one has lost out on any revenue, yet they may gain it if I like what I see.

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In effect it is exactly the same. I'm watching/listening to someone else has paid for which is either unavailable to me or that I am unwilling to pay for. No one has lost out on any revenue, yet they may gain it if I like what I see.


Thats a really poor argument. Of course people lose out on revenue.If youre unwilling to pay for it, why use the product or service? I dont like paying for anything!

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Thats a really poor argument. Of course people lose out on revenue.If youre unwilling to pay for it, why use the product or service? I dont like paying for anything!

So, you've never borrowed a CD or a DVD? Never used a library? Please explain to me how borrowing a book from a library is any different than illegallly downloading it?


Besides which, it can generate future sales. I, for one, have gone on to buy subsequent seasons of material I had origianlly downloaded. Purchases I would never have made otherwise.

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Sorry but you can't blame people for downloading movies and TV shows when in todays day and age, the average everyday person can't afford all the subscription costs of watching them.








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It's the people that go into an Asda and walk out with a 15 pound blu-ray that I feel sorry for. Takes me 30 seconds to get the same version for free online at home.


That's not a justified argument. It's very similar to condoning theft. I've presented an argument that stops this content hoarding by certain companies forcing the problem you describe, but watching TV and films isn't a human right, if you can't afford it then you can't have it. Trying to justify illegality by that argument is a poor one.


I'm not judging you personally, many many people I know download films they have no intention of paying for, it just annoys me a little that they thinks it's justified, If you decide to break the law then that's your call clearly, but don't try to say it's ok when it isn't.

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Ha, good luck policing that. This law is not aimed at kodi end users, its aimed at device sellers and the servers and people who supply the streams. I for one dont like kodi, its unreliable and often poor quality...but its getting better and i great idea. Nobody will go to prison for using a kodi device.its scare tactics by the authorities because everybody is at it and the sellers are openly taking the mick with their adverts and making some good cash without paying any tax on it. The authorities need to be seen doing something about it.

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So, you've never borrowed a CD or a DVD? Never used a library? Please explain to me how borrowing a book from a library is any different than illegallly downloading it?


Besides which, it can generate future sales. I, for one, have gone on to buy subsequent seasons of material I had origianlly downloaded. Purchases I would never have made otherwise.


Borrowing a Cd or DVD is not the same as wholesale downloading which depriving artists revenue. Im genuinly not sure when it comes to library. Do they pay additional copyright fees for a book etc when buying it from a publisher?


Your behaviour might generate future sales but, by your own admission, they lost one sale becasue youve downloaded it for free. You might buy through legal methods if you fancy it, but millions like penistone999 absolutely wont.

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Borrowing a Cd or DVD is not the same as wholesale downloading which depriving artists revenue. Im genuinly not sure when it comes to library. Do they pay additional copyright fees for a book etc when buying it from a publisher?


Your behaviour might generate future sales but, by your own admission, they lost one sale becasue youve downloaded it for free. You might buy through legal methods if you fancy it, but millions like penistone999 absolutely wont.

theyd also like to stop people from buying / selling games, music and dvds on the second hand market too, in fact theyve previously mentioned it here and there, because they "lose" money when somebody buys the same item a second time.

This includes charity shops.

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I quit on DVDs cos I got sick of having to sit through adverts and being prevented from going to the start of the movie.


I was happy to pay for content, but, it was just way less frustrating to download/torrent the content in such a form that I could actually watch it when I wanted, rather than being forced to endure adverts first.

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theyd also like to stop people from buying / selling games, music and dvds on the second hand market too, in fact theyve previously mentioned it here and there, because they "lose" money when somebody buys the same item a second time.

This includes charity shops.

Seems that this has long been standard practice for e.g. PC games, and xbox/ps4 may also be tying your subscription to games you download-buy online (e.g. 'free' downloaded GWG games stop working when your gold xbox live sub lapses).


For instance, you can't resell The Sims 4 on PC: it comes with a one-time license key that you have to use (and register online) for installing the game, and the game won't re-install and launch independently of it (anybody who you loan the game DVDs to, or who buys them 2nd hand from you, has to buy a new one-time license key from EA to install and run the game from those loaned/2nd hand DVDs).

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