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Chav-free places in town?

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You appear to be getting your youth sub cultures mixed up & confusing chavs with run of the mill city centres drinkers - i've NEVER seen a chav with locks "teased by weeping widow/artfully tousled and salon sun bleached " - they just tend to have cropped hair - if you ever see it underneath their compulsory baseball hats. And as for "strategically ripped/torn jeans" - if Burberry made them - maybe.. but as they dont - it just doesnt happen!


Curiously enough - have you ever seen a chav in shorts?? as soon as the sun comes out - the tops come off - but I dont think i've ever seen one sporting a pair of shorts....


Lol I'm sure I have got them mixed up, that'll be the alcohol getting to me. :-)

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The picture on their faces as they suddenly realise that people are in a pub with a mix of people (ages & fashions), that their "teased by weeping widow/artfully tousled and salon sun bleached " locks stick out like a sore thumb, that their designer(ish) strategically ripped/torn jeans are eclipsed by the amount of pvc/leather/genuinely ripped jeans and the music is not the formula trash they are used to.


Arn't you guys the independant fashion rebels.

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  • 1 month later...
Yep, the higher priced the drinks, the less chavs.


Stella at £1.75 (or whatever) a pint, hundreds of the sub - human neanderthals :hihi:


By the way, I finally figured out what burberry is - tartan for the colourblind !


Please dont mock clothes, mock the people behind them.

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