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Nuisance dogs barking Southey

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Is any one else bothered about dogs barking in Southey? Very bad in Morgan Avenue. I can understand dogs barking for a few minutes when going outside for a few minutes, but this is selfish people leaving dogs in gardens barking non stop all day.

Will the council actually do any thing? I do not want to get into a neighbour dispute, but this seems very selfish and not fair on the dogs either!

I would appreciate some useful advice and not just dogs will bark so put up with it. It is really spoiling the ability to enjoy some peace in the garden.

It is non stop and yes the 'dog lover' in question is aware of his dog being a nuisance as I brought to their attention incase they were not aware of it.

Any suggestions welcome please.

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I feel for you, it is so irritating and selfish. Dreading the summer now to the soundtrack of barking dogs is not very peaceful.... I hope someone can give us some hope. Short of moving running out of ideas! Sorry you having this too. Hope any dog owners reading this who leave their dogs outside all day realise how awful it is to listen to this everyday and try to be more considerate!

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had the same problem a few years ago,in fact it wasn't really barking but crying & howling,felt so sorry for the dog but at the same time it became like torture where we couldn't even sit in the garden.

we rang the council who said to log it all down on paper which is ridiculous, so my wife wrote a polite but firm note telling them the noise was being recorded etc & i hand posted it, had to laugh though as we went past a couple of days later there was a big sign in the window with an arrow pointing next door saying "not our dog" haha anyway luckily for us it worked.

hope you get it sorted.

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It really is disgusting, we have had problems here too in the past, I have 4 dogs and still manage not to annoy other people so why people with just one cant I really dont know.


In my opinion people should not be allowed to keep dogs outside on estates, it is totally the wrong environment and unfair on other people.

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I feel bad when my dog barks for a few minutes to come back in when I let him out to do his business. We have a secure garden and I don't always accompany him if I'm busy. I do try in the morning because I get up ridiculously early (5.40am).

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