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Nuisance dogs barking Southey

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Is any one else bothered about dogs barking in Southey? Very bad in Morgan Avenue. I can understand dogs barking for a few minutes when going outside for a few minutes, but this is selfish people leaving dogs in gardens barking non stop all day.

Will the council actually do any thing? I do not want to get into a neighbour dispute, but this seems very selfish and not fair on the dogs either!

I would appreciate some useful advice and not just dogs will bark so put up with it. It is really spoiling the ability to enjoy some peace in the garden.

It is non stop and yes the 'dog lover' in question is aware of his dog being a nuisance as I brought to their attention incase they were not aware of it.

Any suggestions welcome please.


Hmm sounds familiar Morgan ave dogs barking moved from there last year. Same problem worked nights..moved in end and guess what ? The council didn't do didly squat good luck we know how you feel


---------- Post added 09-05-2017 at 09:56 ----------


If it's classed as neglect or cruelty won't the RSPCA intervene? Surely it's unkind to leave a dog, outdoors on its own for lengthy periods.


Rspca didn't do anything nothing went on for years, even the mass of poo all over there garden. It wasn't nice in summer either with the stench of hot poo..bark bark on / off all day. No authoritie did NOTHING

Edited by Loonytune
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RSPCA only act if the animal is in severe distress and in danger of death.


They don't care if the dog is kept in a tiny yard covered in dog muck and never walked.


The council noise nuisance service should help as its classed as anti social behaviour. It might help if a few all report at the same time.


But even then they just send a warning letter, they never follow up on it and take the offender to court.

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I don't understand why people own dogs just to leave them outside, alone barking all day. We used to have a neighbour that owned three big dogs that basically spent all day outside, if anyone walked past the house they would go crazy and the house was next to a public footpath so people were always walking past. Used to drive me mad.


We still have the odd dog barking now on our estate but it is nowhere near as bad as it was before.

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What is wrong with people, If there dog can't stop barking why don't they keep them inside. Maybe it's because everyone's at work so they leave it outside or is it because there dog is no more than a guard dog.

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If it's classed as neglect or cruelty won't the RSPCA intervene? Surely it's unkind to leave a dog, outdoors on its own for lengthy periods.


Isn't the basic requirement to have shelter and access to fresh water their main concern?

It's not ideal to leave a dog inside or outside for long periods of time but sometimes, just sometimes the situation is forced. Not everyone CHOOSES to abandon their dog while they try and earn a living.

I know the argument of if you can't look after it you shouldn't have one, but circumstances change after you take on the responsibility of caring for one.


There's no harm in talking to (not at) neighbours.

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The Council do act by way of evidence gathering and prosecution. Also, they will have a dog re-homed and any council tenant evicted.


The onus is on the complaiant to gather the evidence. This includes incident logs plus accepting sound monitoring equipment into their home.


This applies to all offenders, although obviously there is no eviction for home owners.


The council will investigate and the process, while lengthy, does work. It should be borne in mind that a prosecution to be successful must be diligently carried out, which does take time.


But it is nonsense to promote the view that the Council do nothing.

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I was up there most of the afternoon and there was a dog constantly barking, it was absurd, the couple whose house I was at said it barks constantly throughout the day and for long periods of the night, anyone complaining is given gobloads of abuse, also another dog further down near the Morgan Road end does pretty much the same and so does its owner when confronted.

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Dogs barking is becoming more and more of a problem, especially at night


People simply send the dogs out at night onto the garden and the dog barks constantly because as a pack animal its not meant to be alone


If people want an animal that they can simply send outside then why not just get a cat instead?

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