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Teacher wouldn't let daughter go to the loo

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I did have a girl one year who had to go because of kidney problems, her mum wrote a note, but that is the only time.


I actually only get the odd child ask me because they know the answer is no, they go at playtime and lunchtime, they soon get the into the habit

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I do tell the children at the beginning of the year my rules, and contact parents and ask about any toileting problems. Also the loos are literally outside my room, so I am positive they would go if so desperate even after I had said no


You'd rely on them disobeying you, rather than just tell someone they can use the bathroom when they need to. :huh:


What is it you think that they or you gain through this authoritarian regime of denying them basic human rights?

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What is it you think that they or you gain through this authoritarian regime of denying them basic human rights?


Does the teacher stop them drinking too, may be a no-win-no-fee court case in a few years ;)

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By not letting them go they learn to go at break and lunch which helps them when they get to secondary school.


If you let every child go then you would never have a full class. They understand the rules wee before class, or sit with a full bladder until after class

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Did you see the link about how sitting with a full bladder can be harmful?


You know what happens at work, as an adult, which is what we're teaching them to be right? I go when I want. At university, I went when I wanted. I'm pretty sure that at school, had I needed to go, I was allowed to.

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They are not sitting with a full bladder though if they go at the correct times, like I as a teacher has to. No matter how much I need a wee when teaching I have to wait until my break, which sometimes can be when the kids have left at the end of the day.


They get 4 opportunities to use the toilets and the longest they have to wait is a couple of hours

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Did you see the link about how sitting with a full bladder can be harmful?


You know what happens at work, as an adult, which is what we're teaching them to be right? I go when I want. At university, I went when I wanted. I'm pretty sure that at school, had I needed to go, I was allowed to.


No as an adult we dont just "go when we want".


There are numerous situations in adult life where we control our bladder. Its something we learn to do as children just like the child subject to this post.


When I am attending a meeting or conference call I dont just disappear, that would be rude to the person hosting. When I am attending a Court Hearing I certainly dont just get up and go, that would be disrespecting the Judge and disrupting the proceedings.


When I watch a theatre show or have a long car journey or watch a film in a cinema or even when im having a meal out with someone I will control myself until an appropraite time to go and/or make sure I go before the thing starts.


Unless the child has some specific medical condition, which I am sure a sensible parent would have informed the teacher of, there is no excuse for them not being able to control herself until the next appropriate break period.


Children are not all angels. They are mischievous, attention seeking and disruptive. Its not uncommon (even my own nephew does it) for children to repeatedly ask to go to the toilet to avoid something or to get attention.


I think the Teacher is giving lesson in adult behaviour perfectly well. No grown adult just goes when they want in real life. We all have moments when we need to control ourselves and go to the loo at appropriate times i.e. before or after something which would restrict us going in between.


That is the lesson to the child and at that age she would have been able to understand such perfectly.

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You know what happens at work, as an adult, which is what we're teaching them to be right? I go when I want. At university, I went when I wanted. I'm pretty sure that at school, had I needed to go, I was allowed to.


This is just a forum difference of opinion, are you saying schools do it differently these days. People behave in the same way, decade after decade.

If I am driving at work, I do drink too much, because I cannot go to the loo; I would think I learnt that at a very young age.

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No as an adult we dont just "go when we want".


There are numerous situations in adult life where we control our bladder. Its something we learn to do as children just like the child subject to this post.


When I am attending a meeting or conference call I dont just disappear, that would be rude to the person hosting. When I am attending a Court Hearing I certainly dont just get up and go, that would be disrespecting the Judge and disrupting the proceedings.


When I watch a theatre show or have a long car journey or watch a film in a cinema or even when im having a meal out with someone I will control myself until an appropraite time to go and/or make sure I go before the thing starts.


Unless the child has some specific medical condition, which I am sure a sensible parent would have informed the teacher of, there is no excuse for them not being able to control herself until the next appropriate break period.


Children are not all angels. They are mischievous, attention seeking and disruptive. Its not uncommon (even my own nephew does it) for children to repeatedly ask to go to the toilet to avoid something or to get attention.


I think the Teacher is giving lesson in adult behaviour perfectly well. No grown adult just goes when they want in real life. We all have moments when we need to control ourselves and go to the loo at appropriate times i.e. before or after something which would restrict us going in between.


That is the lesson to the child and at that age she would have been able to understand such perfectly.


Well, that just happened.


What a sad miserable world people like this try to create. Sad.

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Well, that just happened.


What a sad miserable world people like this try to create. Sad.


What are you talking about "sad miserable world". Its real life. Its called being an adult.


The world doesn't stop just because we get an urge to go to the loo. Our body is designed to deal with that.


God sake, if we lost such ability we would all be stopping dead in the street and peeing everywhere every time we need to go. Alternatively, we would all be sitting there wetting our knickers if we were sat down somewhere where we cant go.


Some people need to grow up.

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