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Teacher wouldn't let daughter go to the loo

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Originally Posted by Mister M

Yep holding urine in for long periods of time can cause UTIs.

Let's just hope when the kid has time off due to ill health, the school have a more reasonable response to sickness absence.

This is incorrect. Urinary tract infections are caused by bacterial infection - link. They are more common in females due to the urethra being short. They are also commonly associated with sexual activity. The single thing that a parent can do to prevent their children from acquiring a UTI is to teach them proper hygiene i.e. wipe/wash from front to back, not the other way. This is because there is bacteria surrounding the anus after having the bowels open and you don't want to transfer this to the opening of the urethra because they can move up into the bladder, causing cystitis.


The other thing that is important is for the child to drink sufficient amounts of water. Probably schools encourage this nowadays and it may be one of the reasons why children need to go to the toilet more often. The problem with not allowing a child to go to the toilet is the potential for dehydration because he or she might limit fluid intake. This is the same as adults, particularly vulnerable ones. Persistent dehydration can trigger urinary tract infections.


The bladder is a muscular bag containing nerve endings. Like any muscle, it requires use to remain competent. More problems are caused by people going to the toilet too often than the other way around. In fact people who have lost muscle tone in their bladder are taught to hold on to the urine a little bit longer to improve it.


Children need to be happy and comfortable at school so it's unfortunate that this upset this little girl. Hopefully it won't happen again as she will remember to go in the break. Hope that she is ok and has got over the experience.

Edited by Jomie
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Yep holding urine in for long periods of time can cause UTIs.

Let's just hope when the kid has time off due to ill health, the school have a more reasonable response to sickness absence.


What about chlami....chlamydia.....STDs ?

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A 90 minute school class is not "a long time"


Unless the 8 year old child has some severe clincially diagnosed urological disorder there is no reason why she cannot (and clearly DID in this instance) hold it until she is able to go to the loo afterwards.


You sound just the sort of person who in this instance would go running to the papers with the obligatory sad face photo followed by a claim for compensation against the school.


God sake how do you think people cope in the world. We all hold our bladders at regular intervals during the day and night. Most of us healthy adults are able to hold it perfectly well for several hours in a row each and every night.




Why are you making such nonsense out of this.


Then that just shows what little you know about me.

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This is incorrect. Urinary tract infections are caused by bacterial infection - link. They are more common in females due to the urethra being short. They are also commonly associated with sexual activity. The single thing that a parent can do to prevent their children from acquiring a UTI is to teach them proper hygiene i.e. wipe/wash from front to back, not the other way. This is because there is bacteria surrounding the anus after having the bowels open and you don't want to transfer this to the opening of the urethra because they can move up into the bladder, causing cystitis.


The other thing that is important is for the child to drink sufficient amounts of water. Probably schools encourage this nowadays and it may be one of the reasons why children need to go to the toilet more often. The problem with not allowing a child to go to the toilet is the potential for dehydration because he or she might limit fluid intake. This is the same as adults, particularly vulnerable ones. Persistent dehydration can trigger urinary tract infections.


The bladder is a muscular bag containing nerve endings. Like any muscle, it requires use to remain competent. More problems are caused by people going to the toilet too often than the other way around. In fact people who have lost muscle tone in their bladder are taught to hold on to the urine a little bit longer to improve it.


Children need to be happy and comfortable at school so it's unfortunate that this upset this little girl. Hopefully it won't happen again as she will remember to go in the break. Hope that she is ok and has got over the experience.


What a sensible post.


I'm sure the little girl is fine. Providing her parents didn't make a huge song and dance about it, she will probably have forgotten all about it. Children also find it rather comforting to find all the adults on the same page. It reassures them that the adults know more about things than the kids

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