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Teacher wouldn't let daughter go to the loo

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I agree with the teacher, she should have gone at lunchtime. I teach year 2 and they are not allowed to go during lessons, breaks are never that far away.


In Carl's original post he said his daughter had to wait 1 hour and 45 minutes to go to the toilet. So it sounds like the break was far away.

If it was a one off, all the teacher had to do was agree on this occasion, but remind her, and the class, to try and use the toilet during breaks.

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In Carl's original post he said his daughter had to wait 1 hour and 45 minutes to go to the toilet. So it sounds like the break was far away.

If it was a one off, all the teacher had to do was agree on this occasion, but remind her, and the class, to try and use the toilet during breaks.


''yeah but last time you let *so and so* go to the toilet''


I can't really see much of an issue, was exactly the same when I was at school 15 years ago

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Mr m


Our school afternoon is longer than OP running from 1.00-3.15, but I still don't let them out and they seem to be able to hang on and they are younger than the OP daughter


---------- Post added 05-05-2017 at 19:06 ----------


To answer your question Carl


If they say they are desperate I still say no, and then if they ask a few times they are given a choice they can go, but miss 10 minutes of their next playtime. Most children decide they are able to wait

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In Carl's original post he said his daughter had to wait 1 hour and 45 minutes to go to the toilet. So it sounds like the break was far away.

If it was a one off, all the teacher had to do was agree on this occasion, but remind her, and the class, to try and use the toilet during breaks.


The child is 8 years old, they should have learnt when to go to the loo.

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my son who despite being autistic was refused permission to go to the toilet by one teacher regularly and was constantly shouted at for not doing his maths work which was too hard for him by a teacher who ended up walking out of the school after having a tantrum saying she couldn't cope.

My son has got a toilet pass now and is in the maths class more suited to his academic level due to me going into school and complaining about it so keep your teachers must be right and children need to follow the rules crap to yourself.

Teachers are not always right and they are not god like either, how would you like it if an employer refused you permission to go to the toilet? You would soon be putting a complaint in so why can't this child's parent? :rolleyes:


Yes, I had this experience once with a teacher, it wasn't habitual and I genuinely needed to go, and I was teased by one loudmouth whom I ignored.

Most teachers are ok thankfully.

Edited by cressida
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School is supposed to prepare you for adult life right?


As an adult, I've rarely been told that I cannot go to the bathroom, so it seems inappropriate to tell that to a child.


---------- Post added 05-05-2017 at 23:51 ----------


Part of learning to be an adult and fitting into society


I thought someone would have said this if I looked back.


As an adult, when did you last ask permission and have it denied to go to the loo?

Personally I just get up and go, as an adult mind, fitting into society, where weeing at your desk is a bit of a no no.

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I think that you should not be blaming the teachers, but the small set of children who have got used to being able to get out of lessons with no repercussions by claiming that they need to go to the toilet for the situation as it is now.


If your daughter did manage to go for the full lesson without wetting herself then that did indeed show her that she didn't really need to go, and it will hopefully teach her to go to the toilet before the lesson starts. Adults plan ahead to go to the toilet before long journeys and spells when they may not be able to go, and the children learn very quickly that going when the toilet is available is sensible.


You got to be joking, this is young child, how many parent end up stopping a car on the side of the road to let a young child pee, after just having a rest stop. Lots i know i have, spacial time awareness, i dont think is in the forefront of a 8 year olds mind. If you got to go you have to go, how did her intake of knowledge be impaired by the act of the teacher, so counter productive. In my opinion id be up there ripping them one.


---------- Post added 06-05-2017 at 00:12 ----------


Tell her to remember to go at lunch time in future, and get over it.


Its the teacher that need retaining in child care.

Edited by phil752
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I think that you should not be blaming the teachers, but the small set of children who have got used to being able to get out of lessons with no repercussions by claiming that they need to go to the toilet for the situation as it is now.


If your daughter did manage to go for the full lesson without wetting herself then that did indeed show her that she didn't really need to go, and it will hopefully teach her to go to the toilet before the lesson starts. Adults plan ahead to go to the toilet before long journeys and spells when they may not be able to go, and the children learn very quickly that going when the toilet is available is sensible.



That's really nasty to say.


Do you really think a young child who is in a learning environment should be made to feel uncomfortable and distressed and spend their energy on "holding it in" instead of just being allowed to go for a pee like any human or animal should be allowed?


I'm guessing you don't have kids.

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Do you really think a young child who is in a learning environment should be made to feel uncomfortable and distressed and spend their energy on "holding it in" instead of just being allowed to go for a pee like any human or animal should be allowed?



I am 55 years old, if I dont judge my liquid intake properly, I have trouble holding it in for the 3 hours whilst I am at work, but I make sure I dont have to stop the bus that I drive. Its just something you learn.

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