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May 2017 election results, how did they do?

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I am just putting my opinion on here, a positive view of the Liberal Democrat performance. There are many methods to compare the local elections with, the BBC compared said the "Lib Dems failed to make headway", all reporting seems to be subjective. They have increased their vote share.

Is the only way to project the 2017 general election result to project from 2015, of course not.


I did think people might want to comment about the other parties.


Right. Well I was merely pointing out that your earlier posts were based on a misunderstanding. It's fine to try and portray a positive view of the Lib Dem performance where the evidence supports that, but not when it doesn't.


I can see that when referring to percentage vote share you can potentially draw out some slight positives there (although as I explained that needs to be with caution as by elections don't reflect national sentiment, and vary depending on the policital makeup and leaning of the particular areas up for election).


Your original premise I feel however was based on an (understandable) misunderstanding. You were saying the results were positive because the Lib Dems increased their number of seats. This was not true, as you were comparing the wrong figures, as the numbers you thought were total seats held were actually just seats they were defending at each election. The total number of councillor seats held by Lib Dems has been in quite serious decline for some time.

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