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Neighbours Who Disturb Sleep

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The problem is the OP has a neighbour who is making too much noise which is disturbing their sleep. Another problem seems to be there are no laws, which are coming to the aid of the OP.


Far too vague IMO to really describe the problem.

Laws of course don't do things, there's a law against murder, but it won't leap out and defend you. :roll:

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I used to live next to some incredibly noisy neighbours. Had parties nearly every weekend to right through to dawn. Drove me nuts. I spoke to them about it calmly and they did try, but once you've had a few pints you lose volume control. They were lovely neighbours apart from that, so I just put up with it and got ear plugs.


I now live in a really quiet area with a house with seemingly amazing soundproofing. My neighbours had a baby last year and I never heard a peep, and they've said they've never heard ours either! All my nearby neighbours are respectful to others and while we all have the odd party, we all let each other know before hand so at least we can prepare for some noise, and every shuts up well before 11pm.


You don't appreciate the quiet until it's taken away and a lack of sleep is one of the worst feelings in the world. Anyone who's sleep is disturbed has my sympathy, but unless they are really being unreasonable with their noise (and the OP isn't clear enough on that) there's little the law can do to help. People are as entitled to live their lives and that often involves some noise as you are to peace and quiet. Ear plugs do make a huge difference and you can get ones that are great for sleeping and comfortable. I often sleep through a v loud alarm clock when I'm wearing mine! If it really is unbearable then contacting 101 and making a formal complaint about noise is the way to go, but this can take time to resolve. If it's a v loud party that's causing a problem then you can contact the police saying the party is getting out of hand and that it's a breach of the peace...worth a try anyway.

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Thanks for your replies. It was 3.16 this morning when it kicked off again. I did call 101 to register the complaint yet again but the perpetrators claim they have Planning Permission to open at night for all and sundry to attend Prayers.

No help from Planners or environmental health.

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Thanks for your replies. It was 3.16 this morning when it kicked off again. I did call 101 to register the complaint yet again but the perpetrators claim they have Planning Permission to open at night for all and sundry to attend Prayers.

No help from Planners or environmental health.


Oh here we go. So after 2 pages and a lot of bites you finally decide to drop this in. Nice one.


So you live near a religious establishment? I didn't think anywhere had complete exemption no matter who or what, although churches often ring bells at all hours. Adding that you still have my sympathy is your sleep is being disturbed!

Edited by sgtkate
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Thanks for your replies. It was 3.16 this morning when it kicked off again. I did call 101 to register the complaint yet again but the perpetrators claim they have Planning Permission to open at night for all and sundry to attend Prayers.

No help from Planners or environmental health.


Beside the point of the noise, do you have sleeping problems? Many people do, my mom often uses sleeping pills.

If that happens to be the case, don't blame it on others and consult GP.

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