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Neighbours Who Disturb Sleep

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Here I am, awake at dawn thanks to my neighbours. Why are some sections of society exempt from the Law and are allowed to disturb residentss in the early hours.

You've got my sympathy with that having once lived in what was then a modern semi. I've also heard of loads of other people with the same complaint.

I can't understand why it's not tackled by architects when designing semi's.

Most three bedroom semi's have the front door, hallway and staircase on the outer wall with the two larger bedrooms on the dividing wall adjacent to the living room on the other house, surely it must be possible to reverse those and isolate the bedrooms and living room to the outer wall.

The only disadvantage I can see is lack of light through a landing window and I think I would be prepared to put up with that for a quiet life.

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Isn't first call to prayer at first light? I only ask as first light is about 0530 hrs.


Not in Islam - it can be as early as 2.30 am


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 07:28 ----------


Beside the point of the noise, do you have sleeping problems? Many people do, my mom often uses sleeping pills.

If that happens to be the case, don't blame it on others and consult GP.


Never had sleep problems until now - it is the being woken up at all hours that is the problem. Saw my GP as it was causing extreme stress and although she gave me light sleeping pills I was warned that they could exacerbate an existing heart problem and are addictive. I have now trouble getting to sleep but even with pills I cannot sleep through cars doors slamming and the noise from the gatherings.

I would move if I could but duso I will close this thread now.e to my age and health it would be very hard to find somewhere.

Fed up with the whole business

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You've got my sympathy with that having once lived in what was then a modern semi. I've also heard of loads of other people with the same complaint.

I can't understand why it's not tackled by architects when designing semi's.

Most three bedroom semi's have the front door, hallway and staircase on the outer wall with the two larger bedrooms on the dividing wall adjacent to the living room on the other house, surely it must be possible to reverse those and isolate the bedrooms and living room to the outer wall.

The only disadvantage I can see is lack of light through a landing window and I think I would be prepared to put up with that for a quiet life.


That is a very sensible suggestion! Perhaps there's cost or structural implications of doing it because now you've mentioned it it does indeed seem an obvious fix.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 09:57 ----------


Not in Islam - it can be as early as 2.30 am


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 07:28 ----------



Never had sleep problems until now - it is the being woken up at all hours that is the problem. Saw my GP as it was causing extreme stress and although she gave me light sleeping pills I was warned that they could exacerbate an existing heart problem and are addictive. I have now trouble getting to sleep but even with pills I cannot sleep through cars doors slamming and the noise from the gatherings.

I would move if I could but duso I will close this thread now.e to my age and health it would be very hard to find somewhere.

Fed up with the whole business


I don't understand why you opened the thread asking for advice. You've been given quite a bit of advice, no-one has given anything other than sympathy to be honest and most people have explained that it's not all that easy to sort out a noise issue regardless of the cause. People are entitled to go about their lives and that often makes some noise, it sucks but none of us live in isolation so we have to deal with it. Many people work shifts and so get their sleep ruined by me and you cutting the lawn in the morning or by everyone else going to work when they are just nodding off to sleep.


If you've tried the council route and are getting nowhere, then you can either escalate to your local MP and see what happens or you can try other solutions like wearing ear plugs or considering moving (but that's the last resort really).


I do hope you find a fix that works for you.

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That is a very sensible suggestion! Perhaps there's cost or structural implications of doing it because now you've mentioned it it does indeed seem an obvious fix.


Sometimes they do.




Have seen it in some new build too.




Silcon ear plugs for the win.



I normally get mine from http://www.earplugs.co.uk/ but the site appears to be down (or out of business). They came in packs of 10 pairs for about a fiver. You can wear them numerous times before chucking them too.

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Open for prayers? Who exactly are your neighbours? And what exactly is the noise that is being made?


Thanks again for your interest - Muslin Welfare Centre with prayer room. Prayers are said 5 times a day and you get more blessings from Allah if they are said together although it is NOT obligatory. The noise is made at their dawn ( which is now about 3.30 am) gets earlier as the summer moves on. Visitors drive up and engines roar, car doors are slammed, lights flash and the whole place is lit up. We sometimes hear chanting. This will last about an hour then the car noise starts up again as they leave.

We also have noise from taxi drivers' cars as they are allowed to 'drop in' for prayers at any time.

Met with Iman who shouted at us and said Council had given him permission.Tried to pursue matter but to no avail yet.

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