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Stanground Road, Manor and other lost roads.

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Only just joined. I think you used to live across road from me, I remember Kath Froggat.Did you live next door to Walt Barker?
My sister married Albert Hawksworth who lived on Srandground Road, they lived there until the whole placed was demolished, they were rehoused to Intake around 1984 or 85.
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Hello John, I didn’t live on Stanground road I knocked about round there in the 60s I knew Kath from the Parkhill dance and got to know John Vaughn when I went to Kaths house. Alan.


Did you have a mate called Kenny, used to be a plumbers apprentice round about 1964?

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Hello Johnmv How come you know Ken and me? Where did we meet? Alan.


I don’t know where we met. You two spent a lot of time around Stanground road we used to hang around on the corner of Stanground and Fairfax road.I seem to remember you living on Parkhill flats but I may be wrong.

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Hello again John, I did live on Parkhill but we moved to Hyde Park flats that’s when I started knocking about with Ken.I was around 15 or 16 at that time. Do you Ever see anything of Kath.Alan.


Haven’t seen Kath since about 1967, we moved onto manor park that year.Was there anybody else you remember from Stanground?

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Standground Road was on lower Manor, all of the manor estate was demolished about 30 years ago, something to do with the eroding mortar between the bricks no being safe.


Think you'll find something called "black ash mortar" was the culprit. It was used - presumably as a cost-cutting measure - on countless thousands of houses built between the wars.

The only reason I found out about it was when a pal was trying to sell his house in Heeley Green about 20 years ago : the interested party was refused a building society mortgage until my friend replaced all the wall ties with stainless jobs.

Cost laddo a small fortune to have done, just so he could sell on....

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Hello John, The only person I can remember was John Vaughn he was going out with a girl called Shirley who had long blonde hair. I saw Shirley some years later and she had married a bloke called Trevor who had his own Tarmac business but he died a few years ago now. I had moved to Waterthorpe and it was in the Hawk and Dove that I saw Shirley. Alan.

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