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Geniocracy Party (proposal)

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The main problem is that people only want rational, eveidence based, policies if they happent to coincide with their own preconceived ideas. If they don't then the policy is obviously wrong or ill founded.


Yes, but the thing is we have party A, with a bag load of ideologically driven policies, some of which a given voter will agree with, and some which they won't and we have party B with a different bag of ideologically driven policies, some of which a given voter will agree with, and some which they won't. Both parties have their ideologies all but set in stone.

The voter must choose which bag of ideologies is closest to their own and put up with the ones that are wrong.


Party C, which is geniocratically driven may have a bag load of driven policies, some of which a given voter won't agree with, but that voter can at least see why the party has that policy and, unlike the other parties, can believe he has a realistic prospect of getting that policy changed especially when he knows it is wrong and why.

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Yes, but what colour is its rosette?


---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 14:30 ----------


More seriously, with enough publicity you could probably sway the young vote... provided you could get them to the voting booth. Headlines like Party C wants to give your children free smack might lose you the grey vote, and many more inbetween...

Edited by barleycorn
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Yes, but what colour is its rosette?

Ah, now you're asking... but I think a rosette at this juncture would be pre-emptive and the point can be argued over once the party has two or more officialish members.

---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 14:30 ----------


Headlines like Party C wants to give your children free smack might lose you the grey vote...

A long way we are from rationalising that as a policy... though if you read past the headline, it is not entirely without merit. ;)

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The daily mail won't provide any objective facts though, and a large proportion of the electorate don't use any source of media other than red tops.


Well we might just have to make the rational decision to adopt some irrational policies in order to court the popular vote...


Can we be canny enough to play the tabloid rags at their own game?

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So then it becomes a populist party, competing with the main parties who are also adopting whatever policy they think will win votes. Except the new party is starting from zero, whereas the existing parties have centuries of voter tradition to draw on...


Re policies though, look at the cap on energy prices being promised by the tories. 2 years ago they were slating Labour for having offered that same cap, it was going to cause economic chaos and was practically communist in nature. Funny how when it can win them votes it's suddenly a policy they can support.

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So then it becomes a populist party, competing with the main parties who are also adopting whatever policy they think will win votes.


No, the populist policies would be the exception, and hopefully on issues of little consequence that people get excited about.

And your objection rests on the assumption that most people are irrational about most issues. Some people certainly are, and probably they are the ones that shout loudest, but I refuse to believe this to be the case for the majority... at least, I refuse to believe until the weight of evidence becomes incontrovertible. ;)


Re policies though, look at the cap on energy prices being promised by the tories. 2 years ago they were slating Labour for having offered that same cap, it was going to cause economic chaos and was practically communist in nature. Funny how when it can win them votes it's suddenly a policy they can support.


The problem there is that the traditional parties have a knee jerk reaction to everything that the other party does, instinctively attacking it because the other party has done it. This is one of the fundamental problems with the way we do things now: no actual progression, only a ding-dong of blame.

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