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French Presidential Election

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I did watch a programme on which some young (20-30 yrs ) people were interviewed. They said they wouldn't be voting at all.Their reasons were that the choice was a banker or a fascist.
Then they don't get to complain about the outcome and its consequences, they just get to live with and shoulder their share of it.


Same with those who abstained from voting in the Bre-Ump polls, same with anyone and everyone who's ever chosen not to vote.


Because not voting is effectively a vote for whichever politician or position or <...> wins the election: missing votes don't get counted against the winning tally, only votes for other candidates do.

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I did watch a programme on which some young (20-30 yrs ) people were interviewed. They said they wouldn't be voting at all.Their reasons were that the choice was a banker or a fascist.


Yes,it's strange how ex banker Nigel Farage isn't a bankers puppet,but a man of the people.:hihi:

Anyway,victory for the EU,and long may it continue.

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Who said Farage isn't a bankers' puppet ? Of course he is. UKIP was set up by the Establishment as a Butterfly net to catch all those fed up with the old gang of Lib-Lab-Con tricksters and keep them from straying, and in case HE 'went native', well, there was that plane crash. No, I'm being silly now.

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Who said Farage isn't a bankers' puppet ? Of course he is. UKIP was set up by the Establishment as a Butterfly net to catch all those fed up with the old gang of Lib-Lab-Con tricksters and keep them from straying, and in case HE 'went native', well, there was that plane crash. No, I'm being silly now.


Keep them from straying to where?,The Green Party?,Monster raving Loonies?

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Now you're being silly. Straying to the 'extremes' I mean, both 'extremes', Left and Right, both of them out of the clutches of high finance who'll end this pseudo-democracy and then fight it out amongst themselves. Come to think of it, they have much in common, for the present that is.


Next question " Who would I rather triumphs in that scenario ?" Well neither actually, something in the middle, but equally out of their clutches. I'll check out 'alternatives to democracy' and see what suits me.

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Good luck to the workers of france with their french version of Tony Blair.You will have your rights diminished and will find yourselves doing rubbish jobs for rubbish wages.Putting 120,000 public sector workers out of work and straight into poorly paid service jobs,no wonder so many of the workers abstained from voting.Not much of a choice for them to vote for.How long are we giving it before the first national strikes in france.Welcome to our world french workers.


---------- Post added 07-05-2017 at 22:44 ----------


Then they don't get to complain about the outcome and its consequences, they just get to live with and shoulder their share of it.


Same with those who abstained from voting in the Bre-Ump polls, same with anyone and everyone who's ever chosen not to vote.


Because not voting is effectively a vote for whichever politician or position or <...> wins the election: missing votes don't get counted against the winning tally, only votes for other candidates do.


Voting for a capitalist without morals or a fascist isnt much of a choice.

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Voting for a capitalist without morals or a fascist isnt much of a choice.
At least that was a choice. Unlike June 8th here.


And on the issue of morals and fascism, I really don't think British politicians have any lessons to give. You've got the exact same lot here, and the amoral banker types have been in unfettered charge since 2015.


Macron's 577 candidate MPs (GE in a few weeks, his party En Marche is not right/left aligned) are mostly civvies/newbies. Few if any career politicians and ship-jumping old pros.

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