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French Presidential Election

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Absolutely nothing! Why would imply that from my words? I'm purely wondering why so many on the left are cheering him though as his policies are not those shared by many liberal lefties, there's a big difference between cheering anyone who defeated Le Pen (as I am) and cheering someone whose policies completely go against what most lefties support. That's all.


Ah, fair enough point, re-read my original post and it wasn't clear I was referring to 'left wingers' like me.

How does anyone defeating Le Pen affect you, to make you cheer?

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He might not be able to achieve any of the things he has said he will do.He has to form a government which means he has to try and win enough seats in the national assembly elections to form a government.He may have to form a coalition if he doesnt get a majority.I cannot see the socialists deciding to vote for his party and Le Pens supporters are not going too either.http://www.euronews.com/2017/05/08/what-s-next-for-macron-a-looming-parliamentary-challenge

Edited by area 51
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Then they don't get to complain about the outcome and its consequences, they just get to live with and shoulder their share of it.


Same with those who abstained from voting in the Bre-Ump polls, same with anyone and everyone who's ever chosen not to vote.


Because not voting is effectively a vote for whichever politician or position or <...> wins the election: missing votes don't get counted against the winning tally, only votes for other candidates do.



Choosing between a banker with an offshore account in the Caribbean and a closet racist is apparently too hard. The blanc vote is to show they want a better candidate next year. Good luck with that.

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How does anyone defeating Le Pen affect you, to make you cheer?


Because I'd cheer pretty much anyone who defeats Paul Nuttall in the same manner for the same reasons. I have no time for populist fascists and would support *almost* anyone against them. Probably much how you will cheer when Corbyn loses the election I'd imagine.


And if you don't think the leader of France has no bearing on us then I strongly suggest you go and look at the history books.

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Because I'd cheer pretty much anyone who defeats Paul Nuttall in the same manner for the same reasons. I have no time for populist fascists and would support *almost* anyone against them. Probably much how you will cheer when Corbyn loses the election I'd imagine.

And if you don't think the leader of France has no bearing on us then I strongly suggest you go and look at the history books.

Paul Nuttall isn't even in the contest. I don't do cheering. The year is 2017. I suggest you re-write the text in bold, because it is gibberish.

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Choosing between a banker with an offshore account in the Caribbean and a closet racist is apparently too hard. The blanc vote is to show they want a better candidate next year. Good luck with that.
Ah, so you too buy into social media fake news peddled by the alt right?


You should have said sooner, I'd have known to ignore your posts there and then.


Just so you know, LePen (who peddled that lie during the TV debate last week, coincidentally close (2 hours) to the hacked email dump) is being investigated for libel over that one. She can ask her fellow British MEP Jane Collins (Kipper) how Parliamentary immunity 'helps" :twisted:


That'll be after the inquiry into the FN's phantom jobs (Macron-style) that defrauded the EU of €5 millions is done with, and the French electoral commission's own inquiry into the money machine set up by Jalkh (tied into the EU Parliament probe). As politician crooks go, Marine is way up there, with the very best kleptocrats. She's been at a good school with her dad, and kept his numbers man of the first hour (Jalkh) close to hand at all times.


But yeah, well, "banker", so ra-ra-ra-ra <...> :roll:

Edited by L00b
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A very interesting election especially by French standards when you normally expect it either be 54-46 or 52-48. Not like that this time. Both the big main parties got eliminated and put out to the long grass by the voters.


Turnout way down. Also an incredibly high number of spoiled votes. Nearly 9% of people that turned out to vote, didn't vote for anybody.

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Paul Nuttall isn't even in the contest. I don't do cheering. The year is 2017. I suggest you re-write the text in bold, because it is gibberish.


Keep on with your head in the sand pal.


Just because you disagree with how I feel about something doesn't give you some weird right to tell me I'm not allowed to be happy for something.

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Keep on with your head in the sand pal.


Just because you disagree with how I feel about something doesn't give you some weird right to tell me I'm not allowed to be happy for something.

Sorry love, I didn't mean to upset you. I haven't said I disagree with anything, but just don't understand your cheering about a losing candidate in the French election. Chin-up, you can look forward to cheering about Paul Nuttall's plight after our own general election.

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