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Teen boys clothing, what's cool what's Not?

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Firstly, well done for asking.


I wasn't sure this would be the place to ask but you've got some really constructive answers.


Autism's a really broad spectrum so how relevant advice is depends on your boy and how he presents.


Whether him looking and paying attention to brands is a good idea might depend on how well he is able to do this discreetly. If he's going to stare, this might not be such a good idea unless you ate black and white about being subtle (a hard thing for some kids with ASD to do). On balance its probably a fabulous idea but you know the lad so you make that call.


Ask the school about what support they have for children on the autism spectrum. The Special needs coordinator is in charge but don't be afraid to ask them who the best person to speak to about it is as the Senco may be too busy whereas her deputy might be a gem.


It's worth sharing your lad's background with the school. They may not do much but if they don't know, then they definitely can't look out for issues. Some schools have areas that vulnerable kids can do to during break and lunches.


Finally, groups often form round common interests so for example include musical types (e.g guitar), skateboarders, mountain biking, football, computer geeks and so on. His interests might affect the group and so dress sense.

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