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Care homes - why do people still not know this?

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OK, I agree with that, but at least two of the elderly people I mentioned had no sign of dementia, and ironicly the third who spent most of her life sitting in a chair was said to be in danger of 'tripping over the rug' in her home. She fell within 2 weeks of being in the home.


It's a natural instinct to reach out and try and stop someone falling, but do you know staff is taught during training to not attempt to do this in case they injure themselves. It's the kind of society we live in I'm afraid.


Also falls will be more common in residential homes because the elderly will be walking longer distances than in their own home.

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That price is surprising you?


Two care assistants for 15 mins - because it will almost certainly be two needed to dress someone safely. That 15 mins of time is going to be a half hour of wages to them because of travelling time. So that £7.50 is in effect an hours wages.


That's minimum wage. You think care assistants should work for less than minimum wage?



My Nice is one of the above. Travelling between "jobs" is not paid. Only paid for time spent with the person.



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My Nice is one of the above. Travelling between "jobs" is not paid. Only paid for time spent with the person.




Not a very good company in my opinion if they don't pay mileage between jobs.

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