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Theresa May wants to bring back fox-hunting

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Where does angling come in the hierarchy of "sport"? It's a genuine question..


I can only give my opinion here of course, but angling for food - fine. Angling where you put back - not fine. I don't agree with any animals being caused suffering for entertainment or needless suffering for any cause including for food. We eat meat, that's not a problem but all sensible steps should be taken to minimise suffering by the animals both during its life and death. Same for culling of animals. If foxes need to be killed (debatable anyway but lets pretend they do) then do it with a rifle...the reason why so many people are against fox hunting is indeed the regalia that goes with it, the 'sport' element as opposed to just quietly going about your business shooting foxes to control their population. Massive difference.

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Just so we know what we are talking about here. From the OED and reproduced without comment




An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.

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Just so we know what we are talking about here. From the OED and reproduced without comment




An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.


Another entry in the OED..


"1.2mass noun, usually with adjective Success or pleasure derived from an activity such as hunting or fishing.

‘I have heard there is good sport to be had in Buttermere’

More example sentences

‘Hunting with hounds demands great skill and the key to keeping your clientele as a hunt is to provide good sport.’



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The relative wealth of the doer. Hence why only fox hunting is even being considered and not more 'blue collar' blood sports.


Yeah I figured that would be the answer. If fox hunting was a lower class pastime it would have been outlawed 100 years ago. It does put the 'sport' in a certain light doesn't it.

It has nothing at all to do with animal control but everything to do with snobbery. They can't stand that oiks have ruined there little game either.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 16:19 ----------


Where's the competition against others in a fox hunt?


Hunt saboteurs maybe

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Guest sibon
Fox Hunting is alive and well here on Exmoor and many other parts of the west country. The meets just aren't publicised like they used to be.


You should be a good citizen and report them then.

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You should be a good citizen and report them then.

Personally I don't agree with fox hunting, but it is the 'country way', has been for generations and for whatever reasons will continue regardless. I have to live here and can understand their decisions to continue with this regardless of my views, right or wrong.

It is very different in the city to widely condemn this practice, as with badger cull but you have to consider the farmers making a living and the scourge of the fox and TB from Badgers has to be considered.

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