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Theresa May wants to bring back fox-hunting

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If it's going to be voted down what is the point of the vote?


Why do it?


Because that's how parliament works.


Tell you what, since everyone seems to think Labour is such a dead loss at this election shall we just not bother with it? I mean after all, its clear the Tories are going to win right?


Do you think that would go down well?

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Because that's how parliament works.


Tell you what, since everyone seems to think Labour is such a dead loss at this election shall we just not bother with it? I mean after all, its clear the Tories are going to win right?


Do you think that would go down well?


I'm asking a simple question.


If there has already been a vote, and 80% of the public oppose reintroduction then why have another vote?


I'm happy for the Tories in include it their manifesto because it will lose them votes, but if the PM was against reintroduction why would she do it? The only rational answer is she doesn't oppose reintroduction, and her voting record on the hunting ban proves this - every time she has voted she voted against banning fox hunting.


The title of the thread is correct. In future do your research and you won't get shown up.

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If it's going to be voted down what is the point of the vote?


Why do it?

Because it will put the matter to bed. If as expected the Tories have a big majority after the election and still not enough MPs want to reintroduce fox hunting, then no future Tory leader will need to keep a promise of having a future vote about fox hunting to pacify rural Tory constituencies.

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Because it will put the matter to bed. If as expected the Tories have a big majority after the election and still not enough MPs want to reintroduce fox hunting, then no future Tory leader will need to keep a promise of having a future vote about fox hunting to pacify rural Tory constituencies.


The matter is already put to bed. That happened over a decade ago.


But let's roll with this discussion. If you are going to argue for another vote on fox hunting then why don't we have a third Brexit referendum.

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Because it will put the matter to bed. If as expected the Tories have a big majority after the election and still not enough MPs want to reintroduce fox hunting, then no future Tory leader will need to keep a promise of having a future vote about fox hunting to pacify rural Tory constituencies.


The confidance of a private education speaks volumes!

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Because it will put the matter to bed. If as expected the Tories have a big majority after the election and still not enough MPs want to reintroduce fox hunting, then no future Tory leader will need to keep a promise of having a future vote about fox hunting to pacify rural Tory constituencies.



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