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Theresa May wants to bring back fox-hunting

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Be grateful she allows her MP's to vote on matters without having to capitulate to her whim.


She doesn't want to reintroduce it, she wants to allow the vote.


Surprisingly her support for the Tory repeal of anti sodomy laws hasn't made the papers for some reason. I wonder why that is?

More homophobes in society than animal lovers perhaps?


Free votes, you mean like Labour did on Syria? Whereas the Tories...oh.


Are you taking the **** about the sodomy laws? You mean the fairly obscure law about merchant navy crews not being allowed to have sex when on active duty? And somehow that equates to people being homophobes? That's a hell of a jump...Not a single MP of any party voted against it. If a Tory not being against homophobic laws is suddenly newsworthy I think you've given a fairly damning assessment of most Tories.

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I quite liked Theresa May until I heard this.

What have the foxes ever done to her?




I'm not at all surprised at the conservatives. Presumably next they'll introduce a bill allowing you to hunt benefit claimants or immigrants.


But how on earth someone could like her, that's beyond belief!


---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 09:04 ----------


Be grateful she allows her MP's to vote on matters without having to capitulate to her whim.


She doesn't want to reintroduce it, she wants to allow the vote.


Surprisingly her support for the Tory repeal of anti sodomy laws hasn't made the papers for some reason. I wonder why that is?

More homophobes in society than animal lovers perhaps?


What repeal? Of what laws? Google knows nothing about it.




---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 09:05 ----------


The rise of the new illiberal left - they're easily identifiable as they want everything banned from free speech in universities, to hunting, to referendums.


It's illiberal to ban animal cruelty? :roll:

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Free votes, you mean like Labour did on Syria? Whereas the Tories...oh.


Are you taking the **** about the sodomy laws? You mean the fairly obscure law about merchant navy crews not being allowed to have sex when on active duty? And somehow that equates to people being homophobes? That's a hell of a jump...Not a single MP of any party voted against it. If a Tory not being against homophobic laws is suddenly newsworthy I think you've given a fairly damning assessment of most Tories.


What i meant was why wasn't it publicised in the press - is it because readers don't want to see it and would rather condemn a whole party (where more are against than for) about killing a scavenging wild animal.


Oh by the way the pledge to allow the vote has been on the books since Mr Cameron was voted - if anyone really cared so it isn't a new pledge.

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What i meant was why wasn't it publicised in the press - is it because readers don't want to see it and would rather condemn a whole party (where more are against than for) about killing a scavenging wild animal.


Oh by the way the pledge to allow the vote has been on the books since Mr Cameron was voted - if anyone really cared so it isn't a new pledge.


It wasn't published because the law was so minor and had zero impact on 99.99999% of the population. They are laws being changed daily and yet not all are reported. I don't think there's a big conspiracy here to not report it because of what the bill was about. Hence my point about it being a big jump to label the electorate as homophobes over it.


Fair point about the second paragraph, still seems a v bizarre policy. Quite a few of the Tory MPs won't support the bill either unless whipped.


---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 09:13 ----------




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It wasn't published because the law was so minor and had zero impact on 99.99999% of the population. They are laws being changed daily and yet not all are reported. I don't think there's a big conspiracy here to not report it because of what the bill was about. Hence my point about it being a big jump to label the electorate as homophobes over it.


Fair point about the second paragraph, still seems a v bizarre policy. Quite a few of the Tory MPs won't support the bill either unless whipped.


---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 09:13 ----------





But it does highlight a point that as a society we are being forced to react to Govt changes etc that are really non news issues. Anyone with a valid interest in fox hunting would have known that the pledge to legalise it was on the statute books still from the previous Govt.

So no change, except to inflame the public.


Yes the anti sodomy law was miniscule and a pointless exercise if truth be told but obviously it wasn't thought newsworthy except by the odd LGBT press.

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What i meant was why wasn't it publicised in the press - is it because readers... would rather condemn a whole party (where more are against than for) about killing a scavenging wild animal...


Fox hunting is not about killing vermin: it is about the collective joy of wanton cruelty.

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But it does highlight a point that as a society we are being forced to react to Govt changes etc that are really non news issues. Anyone with a valid interest in fox hunting would have known that the pledge to legalise it was on the statute books still from the previous Govt.

So no change, except to inflame the public.


Yes and no. Manifesto pledges aren't legally binding as we find out after every single general election so there was no requirement for May to keep it, especially as she didn't even make the pledge, it was her predecessor. To be fair most anti-fox hunters where equally abhorrent when Cameron announced it as they are now May is continuing with it.

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It's illiberal to ban animal cruelty? :roll:


Once upon a time liberals would be fighting for democracy, free speech, and liberty.


Humans have been hunting animals since the start of human civilization. Its why hunting feels so good because we're all programmed to hunt.


I know fox hunting has become politicized of late, but I can assure you this isn't a left-v-right issue which is why TM can bring it up without fear.


The issue will only divide the illiberal left (those willing to break with fundamental liberal values) from the mainstream left.

Edited by Puggie
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Once upon a time liberals would be fighting for democracy, free speech, and liberty.


Humans have been hunting animals since the start of human civilization. Its why hunting feels so good because we're all programmed to hunt.


I know fox hunting has become politicized of late, but I can assure you this isn't a left-v-right issue which is why TM can bring it up without fear.


The issue will only divides the illiberal left from the mainstream left.


Yet 84% of the electorate disagree with you:




Hunting for food, hunting for animal control I'm fine with. Hunting for fun, nope. And if you try to claim fox hunting is hunting for control then you'd be able to offer figures showing that the fox population has swelled immensely causing awful problems in the countryside since the ban came in won't you?

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What i meant was why wasn't it publicised in the press - is it because readers don't want to see it and would rather condemn a whole party (where more are against than for) about killing a scavenging wild animal.


Oh by the way the pledge to allow the vote has been on the books since Mr Cameron was voted - if anyone really cared so it isn't a new pledge.


Barbarically killing a wild animal, I think is what you meant.


If foxes need trapping and humanely killing, that's still legal.

Chasing them through woods and fields with dogs which them rip them apart, not legal and should remain not legal.


---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 09:31 ----------


Once upon a time liberals would be fighting for democracy, free speech, and liberty.


Humans have been hunting animals since the start of human civilization. Its why hunting feels so good because we're all programmed to hunt.


I know fox hunting has become politicized of late, but I can assure you this isn't a left-v-right issue which is why TM can bring it up without fear.


The issue will only divide the illiberal left (those willing to break with fundamental liberal values) from the mainstream left.


The idea that hunting for food can be equated with using a pack of dogs to run down and kill a single animal is ludicrous.

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