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Theresa May wants to bring back fox-hunting

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Of course it's not hunting for food in the modern era. It's a pleasurable pursuit that involves the great outdoors. In the Middle East for example hunting involves jumping into a modern 4x4 armed with a bird of prey and hitting the dunes to find hare.


I find ragging a little motorbike around pavements at school kick out time highly amusing and pleasurable. Driving a motorbike is legal so this must be too.


---------- Post added 10-05-2017 at 11:25 ----------


since the ban the population of foxes has increased both urban and country this is at least one way to reduce the numbers whilst creating jobs in the country.

foxes are vermin and destroy livestock and poultry usually without actually eating them.

the traditions of the countryside should be re-instated and i agree with bringing it back.


That isn't true. Please go and find a source that shows that the ban on fox hunting has increased fox numbers.


Paying people to kill Tories is also a great way to create jobs and keep vermin down that ruin the countryside by turning over all the footpaths with their horses hooves, but that's not too ethical now is it?

Edited by sgtkate
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since the ban the population of foxes has increased both urban and country this is at least one way to reduce the numbers whilst creating jobs in the country.

foxes are vermin and destroy livestock and poultry usually without actually eating them.

the traditions of the countryside should be re-instated and i agree with bringing it back.


You're possibly 50 percent, correct though it's doubtful. There is no real evidence to suggest that the fox population has increased since the ban. Removing a fox from an area only succeeds in allowing another to move in. Killing more foxes will see good 'ol mother nature intervene and up the cub count, so you're backing a loser there.


As far as the farming community goes, check out how arable farmers view the fox as rabbits cause a great deal more damage to crops, the wily fox helps keep their numbers down, indeed there are a great deal of farmers that have no problems with foxes.

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It's seems an odd policy. Vast, vast majority (polls say well over 70%) do not want fox hunting to be made legal again, and those that do want it back are overwhelmingly Tories supporters in the first place.


If a party brings out a policy that the majority of the electorate do not align with it's normally an attempt to coerce some marginal voters, but I don't really get that in this case, unless they are trying to woo some marginal Labour farmers?


This is what happens when Theresa May goes off piste and opens her mouth without a script to follow. And why she surrounds herself with party followers. It was a slip.


Probably why she refuses the public debate.


Also shows the media bias. Very little has been made of it.

Now, if Jeremy Corbyn had said it....

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This is what happens when Theresa May goes off piste and opens her mouth without a script to follow. And why she surrounds herself with party followers. It was a slip.


Probably why she refuses the public debate.


Also shows the media bias. Very little has been made of it.

Now, if Jeremy Corbyn had said it....


Hang on there, it's a massive story! It's pretty much the top story on several mainstream news websites, the BBC, the Guardian, the Indy, the Telegraph etc. And as someone else has pointed out, it's not her policy; it was Cameron's, but she isn't legally bound to follow it blindly.

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This is what happens when Theresa May goes off piste and opens her mouth without a script to follow. And why she surrounds herself with party followers. It was a slip.


Probably why she refuses the public debate.


Also shows the media bias. Very little has been made of it.

Now, if Jeremy Corbyn had said it....


It's slapped across the face of the BBC website and was non stop on the intertubes on Radio4 this morning and you think very little has been made of it? Just where do you get this from - it's a massive story caused of course by the desire for people to look at this and not at the expenses report that's going to appear today as well....

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