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Trump declares war on the FBI

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After sacking Comey, I can see it being 'gloves off' time at the FBI. Wonder if they have enough dirt on Trump to get him impeached? If they do, I can't see them holding back now; if they don't, I imagine they'll be looking for it...

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Regardless of what they found, if anything, Comey took a risk, because I would have thought twice about trying to drop someone in it, so to speak, who had power over my livelihood.
Comey didn't so much take a risk, as do his job.


But at his level (it's a political appointment after all, just like a Supreme Court judge), a fall through political play is just as likely as through dereliction of duty or other professional failure.


Lest we forget, Comey had just about closed the Hillary emails inquiry down around July 2016, but then proceeded to re-open it out of the blue a few days before the Presidential elections in November 2016


Whether that political manoeuvre by Comey was deliberate, or him giving in to political influence (or subterfuge) at the time, and whether that <actually> cost Clinton the election or not, Comey was always going to pay the price one way (failing to find enough dirt on Clinton in support of Trump) or the other (at the hands of a Democrat majority after the mid-term elections in 2018 ) in that respect.


Beyond that, the list of high-profile US state employees who had been investigating the Russia-Trump links under their profile remit, is: Sally Yates, Preet Bahrara and James Comey.


..and the list of high-profile US state employees sacked by Trump out of the blue, is: Sally Yates, Preet Bahrara and James Comey.


Them's easy dots to connect, tbh.


Trump will be nominating a friendly face to replace Comey, and if the Senate and Congress fail to appoint an independent prosecutor to continue investigating the Russia-Trump links soon, Trump's work on behalf of Bannon, Mercer & Co would be just about done, and you can all but guarantee a <next> Trump presidency.

Edited by L00b
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From what I've seen, it's fishy as hell. Trump claims he was sacked because of his handling of the Clinton emails, yet, at the time he actually praised Comey for his bravery and doing the right thing. No right thinking person can think that's the reason for his firing, can they?


Also, purely coincidentally, the FBI happened to be investigating team Trump's links with Russia, and Russian interference in the US presidential election. Coincidence? I'm thinking not. I'm thinking maybe the FBI were getting too close to finding something out that Trump doesn't want us to know...


Then again, how would Trump know where and how far the FBI are in their investigations?


This stuff is better a HBO box set!..

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Comey didn't so much take a risk, as do his job.


But at his level (it's a political appointment after all, just like a Supreme Court judge), a fall through political play is just as likely as through dereliction of duty or other professional failure.


Lest we forget, Comey had just about closed the Hillary emails inquiry down around July 2016, but then proceeded to re-open it out of the blue a few days before the Presidential elections in November 2016


Whether that political manoeuvre by Comey was deliberate, or him giving in to political influence (or subterfuge) at the time, and whether that <actually> cost Clinton the election or not, Comey was always going to pay the price one way (failing to find enough dirt on Clinton in support of Trump) or the other (at the hands of a Democrat majority after the mid-term elections in 2018 ) in that respect.


Beyond that, the list of high-profile US state employees who had been investigating the Russia-Trump links under their profile remit, is: Sally Yates, Preet Bahrara and James Comey.


..and the list of high-profile US state employees sacked by Trump out of the blue, is: Sally Yates, Preet Bahrara and James Comey.


Them's easy dots to connect, tbh.


Trump will be nominating a friendly face to replace Comey, and if the Senate and Congress fail to appoint an independent prosecutor to continue investigating the Russia-Trump links soon, Trump's work on behalf of Bannon, Mercer & Co would be just about done, and you can all but guarantee a <next> Trump presidency.


All noted. However he still got fired.

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