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Mental health and depression

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My wife 2 years ago was on a right state,she was going woosie and ringing in her head and other things,to he honest I had never seen her so bad but she fought it by herself with meditation amongst doing other things.

It makes me sick with these so called celebs coming out and saying they suffered it when all they want to be is in the public eye.


Are 'celebs' immune from depression?

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Are 'celebs' immune from depression?


No but why have they got to come on tv and tell us all about it.Do they just want sympathy or just be in the public eye.

Edited by ukdobby
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No but why have they got to come on tv and tell us all about it.Do they just want sympathy or just be in the public eye.


Clearly in many cases they do it for neither of those reasons - they do it to help others by making it more socially acceptable to talk about such matters.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 07:49 ----------


Carol Vordaman and Stan Colleymore have come out now with their problems,where's all this come from?was it about in the 70s?Is it people hit a problem in life and get depressed its seems massive with how many people seem to suffer from it.


Of course it was, its just that people didn't acknowledge it so openly in those days.

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Clearly in many cases they do it for neither of those reasons - they do it to help others by making it more socially acceptable to talk about such matters.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 07:49 ----------



Of course it was, its just that people didn't acknowledge it so openly in those days.


Why not..........

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No but why have they got to come on tv and tell us all about it.Do they just want sympathy or just be in the public eye.


No, I think that they're genuinely trying to help alleviate the stigma associated with it.

Why should they have to hide it, just because they're a bit famous?

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No, I think that they're genuinely trying to help alleviate the stigma associated with it.

Why should they have to hide it, just because they're a bit famous?


They don't have to hide it but to come on tv and tell the whole country about it can't make things easier for them'we all suffer from depression some time in our lives things like can we pay the bill relative dying or unwell moving jobs but its something we have to handle,a lot of depression with the celebs is am I going to be in the public limelight next week will I get another big contract or in Collymores case will I get done for hitting Ulrika ka ka ka.That is my opinion which doesn't make it right.

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They're not trying to make things easier for themselves per se, they're trying to make it easier for everyone to talk about these things, because historically, and still currently, it's not easy to talk about.


We definitely don't all suffer from depression at some time, you're confusing being sad or upset with being depressed, they're very different things. And that's part of why they need to talk about it in public, because so many people don't understand and think that depression is just being sad and that people just need to man up and get on with life.

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I agree with your post in its entirety, but just to add to this bit:


Depression can also come out of a clear blue sky, with no apparent trigger at all.


I'd like to believe that it's only the most wilful of ignorance that still leads some people to maintain that depression is something that affects only the lazy and weak-willed; that it's something that can be got over if you just pull your socks up and get a grip; that getting out of the house and doing a bit of jogging will be a miraculous cure-all; that as it's just another form of sadness, and we've all been there, if the depressed would just make an effort to cheer up all will be well.


Alas, I think very many people won't have the tiniest of clues about depression - or are concerned about having the tiniest of clues - until that bleak, black cloud strikes them or someone they love.


Here's Allie Brosh (talking to Felicia Day). Allie writes Hyperbole and a Half, one of the funniest, most joyful sites on the internet. She's also battled severe depression for many years. I urge everyone to read these two tales of her experiences.


My bold. As someone who has experience depression I think the opposite is true. I have suffered with since I was about 13 and I am 33 now, so 20 years. I'm OK at the moment but I cannot rule out another episode.


I think to actual suffer with depression takes a lot of strength. You are fighting your own personal demons which because they are in your own head it is hard to not listen. I can understand why some people with depression kill themselves as it is very hard to cope with the feelings - sadness, anger, frustration, feeling like a failure. Depression isn't just feeling down as some people think.


To actually manage to cope with and come out the other side takes a lot of strength. Compare it to bullying, someone keeps telling you negative things about yourself. Even if those things are not true it is hard not to listen. Wouldn't anyone feel down after that? But its even harder because those negative things don't stop being said when the bully is not there, because the bully is always there because it is you.


They don't have to hide it but to come on tv and tell the whole country about it can't make things easier for them'we all suffer from depression some time in our lives things like can we pay the bill relative dying or unwell moving jobs but its something we have to handle,a lot of depression with the celebs is am I going to be in the public limelight next week will I get another big contract or in Collymores case will I get done for hitting Ulrika ka ka ka.That is my opinion which doesn't make it right.


I'm not a cynical as you. Yes some celebs will use it as self promotion but others understand the power of celebrity and try to use as a force for good.


It is something that needs to be talked about. I don't mention my mental health problems to some of my family because they don't understand. I have been told that "I'm not really depressed" and have been asked "What I have I go to be depressed about?".

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Depression is a seriously debilitating illness, and needs to be accepted as such.


Needs to be properly recognised by the insurance companies as well: how many people have died of depression and the life insurance refused to pay out?

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