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Price increase before end of phone contract-allowed?

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I’m generally clued up on these sort of things. I can understand a price increase after the 12 month contract period. However, my provider has increased my monthly amount by a small amount before the first 12 months is up. When challenged, they said everyone’s contract goes up each march due to the RPI. Surely not midway though the contract?

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Somewhere deep in the small print of your contract it will say they are allowed to increase the price at any time.


No, it will say that once a year, March at a guess, they will put up prices by a % equal to RPI as measured by the government.

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Somewhere deep in the small print of your contract it will say they are allowed to increase the price at any time.


I had a contact, and the price went up.


They seem to alter the data/minutes allowed, rather than change the price. So contract can be £10, £7.50 etc

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If it's anything like some of the employment contracts I have had they are not worth a jot.

Off one employer we had a book over half an inch thick with page after page of our contract and the last sentence of the last page stated, the terms and conditions of this contract can be changed at any time by the management.

That apart, I know somewhere in your case in the small print, they will have it covered.

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Somewhere deep in the small print of your contract it will say they are allowed to increase the price at any time.


It may, but some companies, including Virgin Media, seem to allow customers an opt-out when prices are increased, in my experience.

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