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Theresa May has not ruled out yet more cuts for the disabled!

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I've seen an interesting statistical analysis that shows that a large portion of those 4k or 10k would have died anyway. It's not that the assessment killed them.

But how can assessment be appropriate if it's finding people who are about to die, to be fit for work? That's insane.

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These victims are being killed by normal people ticking boxes on convoluted 'assessment forms'- people who are 'just doing their jobs'.


The staff at Auschwitz were just doing their jobs: the defence holds no water. I think we should be taking the battle to those people: get the individuals making the decisions in the civil courts for misfeasance.

We wouldn't need to win many cases to get the staff to start thinking twice before they shaft people.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 12:27 ----------


I've seen an interesting statistical analysis that shows that a large portion of those 4k or 10k would have died anyway. It's not that the assessment killed them.

How much is "large"? Less than 50%, else they'd have said "most".

But how can assessment be appropriate if it's finding people who are about to die, to be fit for work? That's insane.

That is the bigger point.

Edited by Hairyloon
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But how can assessment be appropriate if it's finding people who are about to die, to be fit for work? That's insane.
That's easy enough to answer: if that assessment meets its targets.


Bonus points if conducting it comes in at, or under, budget.


Terry Gilliam's Brazil might provide a useful reference by way of introduction.


Welcome to one-Tory-party Brexited Britain, btw :|

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As I said, there are genuine cases where atos have made errors, however there are many where they have not.

I also stated that we were expecting it as my wife's mobility had improved, we would sooner that than a few extra pounds for a car.

Not all those poor folk died as a direct result of being denied pip.

If someone gives you money on a regular basis over a long period of time you become dependant on that money classing it as part of your income and not preparing for the fact you may get better.


I am glad that the government are reassessing all claimants because you can bet that there are a lot of folk out there who are undeserving or whose condition has improved and do not cancel their own pip.


Ps. Any argument you had lost all credibility when comparing atos to the nazis.

Edited by monkey104
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I am sorry for the few that may have been wrongly diagnosed as not requiring PIP payment...

As I said, there are genuine cases where atos have made errors, however there are many where they have not.

You speak with apparent certainty of the few and the many: do you have numbers?

The "few" are known to number many thousands, and in my book that is far, far too many.


Ps. Any argument you had lost all credibility when comparing atos to the nazis.


The only comparison here was in relation to the Nuremberg defence, and the Nazis at least had the excuse that they were likely to be shot if they didn't follow orders.

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Spot on. A friend(Lofty) I had when I lived in London who was disabled/HIV+ ;killed himself after losing his benefits /DLA and being deemed fit for work.Lofty was a scholar and a gent and only 45yr old.

In my opinion, the right of the Cons are hardhearted mongrels.

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There are plenty of well documented cases of atos going directly against medical advice and declaring people who with serious ongoing health problems to be fit for work.


'Work' is the key word.


The next step is surely going to be compulsion to work for disabled people.

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Spot on. A friend(Lofty) I had when I lived in London who was disabled/HIV+ ;killed himself after losing his benefits /DLA and being deemed fit for work.Lofty was a scholar and a gent and only 45yr old.

In my opinion, the right of the Cons are hardhearted mongrels.


Yes, the problem is far bigger than most people are aware of. I visited the local user led mental health group and was talking about that list of people who committed suicide after being found capable of work by benefits assessors.


One person at that group told me his niece had ended her life, after being found capable of work (she had a broken back), by jumping under a train whilst 3 months pregnant.


Others told that, despite the group having low numbers of members, at least 3 past members of the group had ended their lives after having their benefits cut.

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Others told that, despite the group having low numbers of members, at least 3 past members of the group had ended their lives after having their benefits cut.


Yes, but think of the benefit to the economy, not having to support all those difficult cases. [/torypolicy]

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