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Theresa May has not ruled out yet more cuts for the disabled!

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I concur with Cyclone: that is not how murder is defined, but isn't it the UN that has been investigating this and has put out a pretty damning report?


Hmm! Fair enough, I thought the main 'Catch all' was intent or malice aforethought but obviously I'm not a lawyer but an engineer.

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That didn't find its way into the Daily Mail did it....


It certainly didn't


The UK is the first country to be investigated by the UN in relation to this Convention.


That is quite something!


We're the first country to be investigated for, effectively, 'grave and systematic violations of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities'.


The UK is the first to be investigated for state abuse of the disabled.


I've posted lists above of details of dead disabled people who committed suicide or starved after having their benefits unjustly removed by the state.


But the one that really effected me, was being told by a person at the local mental health day center, that his niece, on being denied the benefits she needed, and, was entitled to, jumped under a train while 3 months pregnant.


This is Britain today. I hope those on here who use the usual redirect of justifying this horrific state abuse by referring to that tiny minority who 'swing the lead' are proud of themselves and their country.


I hope they can reflect on the fact that, even if there are people 'swinging the lead', it is not appropriate to tackle that issue by killing (death by removal of benefits) thousands of genuinely disabled people whose claims are totally valid.

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The forms are simply not appropriate for people with Mental Health issues, (and their are a lot of people with them.) It's over 40 pages long for a start, and even with help it isn't easy to fill in. Whether or not you can walk 200 metres is neither here nor there for a person with mental problems.


Atos also seem to go out of their way to make it as difficult as possible, sending people who can barely find their way out of their own front door to Leeds or Nottingham for assessment. And just try speaking to someone at Atos if you have a problem. It took a colleague working on behalf of a disabled patient nearly 2 hours on the phone trying to change the time of an appointment.


Miss an appointment or don't turn up for assessment because of ill health, and your benefits stop immediately.



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