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Its the labour party for me.

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I read somewhere today that the cost of buying back National Grid on it's own is in the region of £35 billion. BBC I think.


HS2 is set to cost £40 Billion and that is predicted to rise to £100 Billion. Let's scrap that and use the money to buy back the National Grid.

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Also simple ideology: they don't believe in state ownership. They sort of have a point, as I mentioned earlier: governments are incompetent and cannot be trusted with essential utilities.


She did have a point though: the unions had got too big for their boots I believe,


and isnt May now talking about capping the private utilities, everything goes full circle

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and isnt May now talking about capping the private utilities, everything goes full circle


I think she's simply reacting to the influence of the left. Jeremy Corbyn may or may not win but I think he's having an effect on the Conservative stance. Whether she means a word of it and it is simply a ploy remains to be seen.

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Not overly impressed with the 'free' university tuition idea. I saw earlier today that university students earn on average £200,000 more, over their lifetime, than people who don't go to university. Won't it mean that people who are not getting the benefit of a university education, and who will earn less that those who do; will be contributing to the cost (through taxation) of tuition fees? Seems a bit like take from the poor and give to the rich...

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HS2 is set to cost £40 Billion and that is predicted to rise to £100 Billion. Let's scrap that and use the money to buy back the National Grid.


So in order to fund nationalisation, we shouldn't go forward with a major project to modernise infrastructure. Figures, as lets face it, if the utilities and railways were nationalised again there wouldn't be any reason for modernisation, as without competition there is no incentive to improve.

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So in order to fund nationalisation, we shouldn't go forward with a major project to modernise infrastructure. Figures, as lets face it, if the utilities and railways were nationalised again there wouldn't be any reason for modernisation, as without competition there is no incentive to improve.


You are completely wrong. A nationalised British rail was the envy of the world - state of art trains, a reliable workforce and bargain prices. All that could be ours again when St. Jezza rides to victory!

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You are completely wrong. A nationalised British rail was the envy of the world - state of art trains, a reliable workforce and bargain prices. All that could be ours again when St. Jezza rides to victory!


As long as the unions don't get too much influence...

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