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Its the labour party for me.

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You are completely wrong. A nationalised British rail was the envy of the world - state of art trains, a reliable workforce and bargain prices. All that could be ours again when St. Jezza rides to victory!


My sarcasm meter has just exploded I'll have you know!

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Not overly impressed with the 'free' university tuition idea. I saw earlier today that university students earn on average £200,000 more, over their lifetime, than people who don't go to university. Won't it mean that people who are not getting the benefit of a university education, and who will earn less that those who do; will be contributing to the cost (through taxation) of tuition fees? Seems a bit like take from the poor and give to the rich...


I think that the government could start paying for university fees for public sector roles like the NHS, police, army, councils and government departments etc.

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I think that the government could start paying for university fees for public sector roles like the NHS, police, army, councils and government departments etc.


I agree, except a lot of students don't know what field they're going to end up in.


It's an old argument but do we need 50% of the young population to have degrees when there aren't enough degree level jobs to go into? I suspect a lot of students end up at Uni because of the dearth of decent jobs, and simply end up overqualified and in debt.


I'd rather see more practical skills based training.

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I agree, except a lot of students don't know what field they're going to end up in.


It's an old argument but do we need 50% of the young population to have degrees when there aren't enough degree level jobs to go into? I suspect a lot of students end up at Uni because of the dearth of decent jobs, and simply end up overqualified and in debt.


I'd rather see more practical skills based training.


The whole system has to be fluid. We can look at what skills we require (nurses) and the government to offer to pay for their university fees. It would get a massive uptake.


Also, the government are really pushing forward on apprenticeships for skilled labour. They have just changed the funding rules so that anyone over 25 can have 90% of their fees paid with companies only pay 10% towards college fees.



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I agree, except a lot of students don't know what field they're going to end up in.


It's an old argument but do we need 50% of the young population to have degrees when there aren't enough degree level jobs to go into? I suspect a lot of students end up at Uni because of the dearth of decent jobs, and simply end up overqualified and in debt.


I'd rather see more practical skills based training.


I take the rather cynical view that University acceptance has been dumbed down with many fairly meaningless courses but some nice fat fees to attend them.

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How many times do we have to go over the fact that the EU does not prohibit state owned businesses?


It doesn't prohibit it of course, but it's a one way street for revision and renewal of services.

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I think that the government could start paying for university fees for public sector roles like the NHS, police, army, councils and government departments etc.


Better to just increase salaries in those roles, elsewise people get free training then go work abroad...

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