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Its the labour party for me.

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Why? Especially Royal Mail. Who sends letters?


Government organisations, businesses. I like to send cards and judging by the amount I receive, so do plenty of other people.


It's not just about cards though, look at the massive increases in online buying and parcel deliveries.

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Any idea how much all this will cost?


No disrespect but there's lots of people that take this line. knowing the cost of everything but the value of nothing.

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Although i agree with a lot of the policies in the labour manifesto i will still be voting conservative because i voted to leave the EU.


Its also a very contradictory manifesto because a lot of it is about nationalising, about Uk jobs, more homes, more police, more nurses, no university fees.....but they are pro europe and want an open door policy.


These policies counteract each other as far as im concerned.


As far as I'm aware, Labour are commited to delivering the referendum result, and leaving Europe. Now is the time to decide what kind of UK we want - one that favours big business and offers them tax breaks, with an economic strategy that relies highly on immigration to drive wages down, or one that is focussed on jobs for all, investment, a decent NHS, and making big companies pay a fair share in to the pot, a fair wage to workers etc. The conservatives have seen immigration rise under Theresa May's watch to extraordinary new high levels. They have always said they are commited to reducing immigration, but May's track record tells a very different story. High immigration is great for big business as it allows them to drive wages down, and under May's watch we have seen that is how the Conservative strategy operates.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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Although i agree with a lot of the policies in the labour manifesto i will still be voting conservative because i voted to leave the EU.


Its also a very contradictory manifesto because a lot of it is about nationalising, about Uk jobs, more homes, more police, more nurses, no university fees.....but they are pro europe and want an open door policy.


These policies counteract each other as far as im concerned.


To the best of my knowledge, labour has to leave the EU if they want to renationalise everything. EU forbids it I think so you're safe with jezza. Your money? Hmmmmm.

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I'm in agreement with the OP, the Labour policies sound like what the country needs but I have no faith in Jeremy Corbyn - I don't thing he's a 'leader'.


Also, quite honestly how are we to believe in any of these election promises anymore. The amount of times we've been sold ideas and policies for the party to get in power, and then change their minds and leave the promises behind.


Perhaps we'd be better sticking with what we have for the next few years and give May a chance to work through Brexit with what she started, rather than changing now and everything taking even longer and getting messier.

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Although i agree with a lot of the policies in the labour manifesto i will still be voting conservative because i voted to leave the EU.


Its also a very contradictory manifesto because a lot of it is about nationalising, about Uk jobs, more homes, more police, more nurses, no university fees.....but they are pro europe and want an open door policy.


These policies counteract each other as far as im concerned.


Both Labour and conservatives have now committed themselves in in favour of Brexit. Greens and LibDems are generally more in favour of a further say over the terms of whatever we are offered.


Anyway, neither Corbyn nor May are standing in Sheffield.

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However this dilemma has now been solved by todays news that he if elected will renationalise the railways , the royal mail and energy industries this taking away from the robbing quangos that with .M.P's backing stole the public services in the first place.


Correction. He will TRY and fail to do those things.


The country does not have the money to pay for these things. He keeps harping on about making "the rich" pay, but they don't have endless pockets of cash.


Awww, and now his precious manifesto has been leaked he's avoiding all campaigning and public meeting today.


Jeremy Corbyn pulls out of poster launch amid Labour manifesto chaos



Corby Corby pudding and pie,

Slated the Tories and made them sigh.

When the press came out today,

Corby Corby ran away.

Edited by alchresearch
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As far as I'm aware, Labour are commited to delivering the referendum result, and leaving Europe. Now is the time to decide what kind of UK we want - one that favours big business and offers them tax breaks, with an economic strategy that relies highly on immigration to drive wages down, or one that is focussed on jobs for all, investment, a decent NHS, and making big companies pay a fair share in to the pot, a fair wage to workers etc. The conservatives have seen immigration rise under Theresa May's watch to extraordinary new high levels. They have always said they are commited to reducing immigration, but May's track record tells a very different story. High immigration is great for big business as it allows them to drive wages down, and under May's watch we have seen that is how the Conservative strategy operates.


LAbour have said they are pro-brexit but we all know that they are not. They are just trying to claw back the working class vote.


Can you trust a labour party stating they want to leave the EU Diane Abbott behind the scenes? :loopy: Absolutely not.


At any cost?


Im not sure what you mean by 'at any cost'? Can you expound on your comment? :huh:

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Perhaps we'd be better sticking with what we have for the next few years...


No. The worst we can expect from Corbyn is a year or two of dithering followed by a vote of no confidence.

May is a known commodity: full throttle into disaster... except for those who are stinking rich already.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 11:45 ----------


Im not sure what you mean by 'at any cost'? Can you expound on your comment?


The Conservative's policy is to deliver Brexit no matter what it costs us: if they have to give the NHS to Donald Trump and sell off our first-born into slavery then they will do so... ok, perhaps I am exaggerating a touch, but I hope you get the point.


The more sensible approach is that if it really looks like leaving Europe is going to screw the nation, then we should reconsider our options.

Of course, the Former Home Secretary and her flange of performing baboons believe that if there is any suggestion of that then the EU will effectively blackmail us into staying, presumably because that is what they would do in that position, but it is not really a realistic attitude.

Edited by Hairyloon
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