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I'm genuinely interested though, how can it be fair for a person who will earn considerably less than a university student to make contributions towards that student's tuition fees?


That person's contributions to that student's fees would be negligible, and in theory, in a perfect world, that student will go on to make a contribution to society and pay back that investment.

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Don't be sorry!


I'm genuinely interested though, how can it be fair for a person who will earn considerably less than a university student to make contributions towards that student's tuition fees?


It works the other way as well..hopefully the uni student will earn more as a result of their degree and will contribute more tax once they are working..

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Were there any Socialist Workers there? In my experience there were just ordinary people interested in what he had to say.


They get everywhere. "Whenever two or three are gathered together, Socialist Workers will show up to try and sell papers." Marxhew 18:10


You do know, don't you, that what he is proposing is actually to the right of similar systems in Germany and Scandinavian countries? He is not the raving Leftie that the Media love to portray him as.

I agree, but neither is he the Messiah, that Momentum would have us believe.


That's just all part of the demonisation of Jeremy Corbyn process. He's actually a consensus politician and a very sensible man who will listen to people and take on board what they have to say.


The problem is of the people he is listening to: is he so surrounded by raving sycophants that he cannot get near to real people? I don't know...

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So you remember some bad trains from 20+ years ago. A lot of us were on bad trains yesterday.


I'd argue the opposite to you. Brexit means we have to invest in infrastructure.


With what? You've said yourself countless times you're helping companies jump ship post brexit and these are the sort of targets corbyn will go after. If corbyn does get in, do you think the number of companies heading for the exit will increase or decrease?

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With what? You've said yourself countless times you're helping companies jump ship post brexit and these are the sort of targets corbyn will go after. If corbyn does get in, do you think the number of companies heading for the exit will increase or decrease?


We're going to need to attract them back. In many ways the EU masks our deficiencies as it gives us a vast ready-made market to trade in. Standalone, we'll need to attract business in.


I can't say what will happen if Corbyn gets in any more than I can with May. All I'm seeing is companies partially relocating because of Brexit, and right now that is being caused by May.

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We're going to need to attract them back. In many ways the EU masks our deficiencies as it gives us a vast ready-made market to trade in. Standalone, we'll need to attract business in.


I can't say what will happen if Corbyn gets in any more than I can with May. All I'm seeing is companies partially relocating because of Brexit, and right now that is being caused by May.


Are you saying that she should have gone against the "will of the people" and cancelled Brexit?

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Are you saying that she should have gone against the "will of the people" and cancelled Brexit?


Nope I'm not saying that Brexit shouldn't be progressed, but she has created uncertainty and adopted a hostile negotiating stance. It's making some businesses understandably jittery.

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Are you saying that she should have gone against the "will of the people" and cancelled Brexit?


I don't think even the most ardent remain voter would advocate ignoring the wishes of the electorate; however, what they do object to is her inability to negotiate. She and her party are laying down all manner of pre-conditions before any attempt is made to negotiate a sensible exit.

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We're going to need to attract them back. In many ways the EU masks our deficiencies as it gives us a vast ready-made market to trade in. Standalone, we'll need to attract business in.


I can't say what will happen if Corbyn gets in any more than I can with May. All I'm seeing is companies partially relocating because of Brexit, and right now that is being caused by May.


Indeed. To be honest both of the main parties have abandoned the centre ground at a time when we need the centre ground occupied. In fours years time I can well see myself queuing up outside a sports direct warehouse on zhc or outside one of comrade corbyns brand new tractor factories looking for work. It's grim.

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They get everywhere. "Whenever two or three are gathered together, Socialist Workers will show up to try and sell papers." Marxhew 18:10



I agree, but neither is he the Messiah, that Momentum would have us believe.




The problem is of the people he is listening to: is he so surrounded by raving sycophants that he cannot get near to real people? I don't know...


If the media didn't tell such blatant lies about him, his 'followers' wouldn't have to keep defending him. Nor are they 'sycophants. Crikey has anybody ever been more surrounded on all sides by enemies than Jeremy Corbyn? Nor has any politician taken such trouble to meet with and get the views of real people.

Edited by Anna B
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