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Its the labour party for me.

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Theres an interesting article comparing corbyn to atlee. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/may/09/jeremy-corbyn-clement-attlee You don't need to be some charismatic showman to lead a very successful party. Atlee created the welfare state. The thing with corbyn is he is different and the people who control the papers don't like what he's trying to do so he is painted in a very bad light by the press.


In this country we elect a party not a president. The manifesto labour have just released is fair, democratic and attempts to put an end to the totally unjust broken system we have at the minute that favours the rich and no one else. Quite why anyone who isn't rich thinks that tories are the best people to manage the economy is beyond me.


We need to start measuring the success of this country by something other than economic growth. Unending economic growth is unsustainable. We are now seeing the devastating effects of unbridled capitalism (global warming, species loss, biomass loss, pollution - you can't pretend it isn't happening). We need to start managing our resources and the tories do not give one s*** about any of that.


You havent read this thread then. Labour dont give a toss about trees in Sheffield. https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1510685

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Because people don't trust Labour with money. They have a tendency to blow it when we don't have any.




Yeah I'd rather it was given to the rich. And do you actually think that corbyn's labour = new labour?

If the tories were good at not spending then surely they'd have managed to reduce the national debt? No it went up considerably under osborne, despite starving the poor people: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/the-uk-national-debt-has-risen-by-555-billion-since-2010-under-george-osborne-a6947661.html The tories are so trustable with money.

Edited by TimmyR
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Because people don't trust Labour with money. They have a tendency to blow it when we don't have any.




Except that's not true and it was debunked long before the Telegraph printed that nonsense. Even George Osborne abandoned that narrative in 2013.


The Telegraph use a statistical trick, beloved of climate change deniers, of being very selective in their date ranges for the graph so you can't see that the Conservatives had higher spending deficits as a proportion of GDP in the majority of the Thatcher/Major years and they conveniently forget that Brown had to bail out the private banks to the tune of £850bn of public spending which they conflate with spending on public services in order to push their 'small state, low tax' agenda.


And I know nothing I say will get through because after 7 years it's clear the facts don't matter one bit.

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High deficit = increase in debt. That is obvious. The deficit has been cut significantly during this and the preceding government.


This gives a better overall picture of exactly how, although deficit can go down the actual debt can go up, as the chart linked to does not give the whole story. In 1950 our debt as a % of GDP was around 250% compared to the 85% it is now.



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And I know nothing I say will get through because after 7 years it's clear the facts don't matter one bit.


And I suppose the costly PFIs, the disastrous BSF scheme and the ID card scheme never happened?


Today is no different, Labour throwing money around to tempt the electorate with the generic "the rich" will pay for it all.

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Unless he doesn't like what they have to say, then he runs away or blanks them.


Not very appropriate for a world leader.

i think you mean when he gets hounded by the press, i have never seen Corbyn blank or ignore anyone from the public.....but i stand to be corrected

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And I suppose the costly PFIs, the disastrous BSF scheme and the ID card scheme never happened?


Today is no different, Labour throwing money around to tempt the electorate with the generic "the rich" will pay for it all.

..........throwing all these vote catching pledges and promises around like confetti to the electorate is liable to strengthen the Tory vote,because people aren't daft,they know payback day will loom one day.We have a job paying the bills under austerity.With the shackles off under Labour and the rise once again of union power under nationalization and more sweeties for everyone,just how long before it hits the skids is anyone's guess
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