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Its the labour party for me.

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However this dilemma has now been solved by todays news that he if elected will renationalise the railways , the royal mail and energy industries this taking away from the robbing quangos that with .M.P's backing stole the public services in the first place.


And Royal Mail, are there any sites that publish the performance of Royal Mail?


I have had a few missed mail runs, but that is just one/two incidents, there should be information on how many first class letters get there the next day.

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The Conservative's policy is to deliver Brexit no matter what it costs us: if they have to give the NHS to Donald Trump and sell off our first-born into slavery then they will do so... ok, perhaps I am exaggerating a touch, but I hope you get the point.


The more sensible approach is that if it really looks like leaving Europe is going to screw the nation, then we should reconsider our options.

Of course, the Former Home Secretary and her flange of performing baboons believe that if there is any suggestion of that then the EU will effectively blackmail us into staying, presumably because that is what they would do in that position, but it is not really a realistic attitude.


They have stated that no deal is better than a bad one so im not sure how that is at any cost. Any cost would be to take any deal that we are offered.


The main issues is that the UK has stated that they DO NOT want free movements of people.


The EU has said that we cannot have access to the single market without free movement. So immediately we all know where we stand and that those 2 stipulations are now off the table.


The other very important issue is that we have said that we don't not want to be part of the European Court of Justice.


Everything else is up for negotiation....

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Everything else is up for negotiation....
Minus what exiting the jurisdictions of the ECJ (EU, EEA, Customs Unions, Dublin Regulations, <...>) entails, is the bit you might have forgotten. Doesn't leave that much to negotiate over, relative to current situation.


Moreover, any trade deal between the UK and the EU will be subjected to the jurisdiction of the ECJ (all FTAs of the EU are, no objective reason to think the EU will make an exception for the UK).


But well, I digress.


The Labour manifesto is a nice enough wish list, I'll grant them that. But it's no different in principle to the UKIP, LibDem and Tory manifestos of old, promising and announcing everything (expectedly-) popular with the average voter, so I'm not sure what the furore is about here.


They're just doing what all other parties are doing, and have long done: telling their (respective) voters what they want to hear, to stoke confirmation bias and safeguard votes.


No reason not to expect just another case of overpromising and underdelivering, there's enough of a pattern (with all parties) over time.


Next non-story?

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Minus what exiting the jurisdictions of the ECJ (EU, EEA, Customs Unions, Dublin Regulations, <...>) entails, is the bit you might have forgotten. Doesn't leave that much to negotiate over, relative to current situation.


Moreover, any trade deal between the UK and the EU will be subjected to the jurisdiction of the ECJ (all FTAs of the EU are, no objective reason to think the EU will make an exception for the UK).


But well, I digress.


The Labour manifesto is a nice enough wish list, I'll grant them that. But it's no different in principle to the UKIP, LibDem and Tory manifestos of old, promising and announcing everything (expectedly-) popular with the average voter, so I'm not sure what the furore is about here.


They're just doing what all other parties are doing, and have long done: telling their (respective) voters what they want to hear, to stoke confirmation bias and safeguard votes.


Next non-story?


And is it even legal to nationalise Royal Mail as it is now privately owned?


Governments stealing private companies is very communist.

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The EU has said that we cannot have access to the single market without free movement...


India and the US have said much the same thing. So we swap free movement of people from Europe with free movement of people from India: a massive improvement.

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And is it even legal to nationalise Royal Mail as it is now privately owned?


Governments stealing private companies is very communist.

Currently it would not be legal, because EU (trade-related) law and so the EU (ECJ) likely wouldn't let Corbyn's government do it (as already hinted at buy tinfoilat). See e.g. this short piece about railways renationalisation (which is nothing new by Corbyn, btw, if you care to check the article date ;)).


Once outside the EU, if Corbyn's government had a comfortable enough majority in the House of Commons, it could be as very communist as it wants, and make it perfectly legal all the same.


Uh-oh? Oh well. Unintended consequences, "beware what you wish for as you may just get it", and all that :)

Edited by L00b
link and sentence re. railways
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Currently it would not be legal, because EU (trade-related) law and so the EU (ECJ) likely wouldn't let Corbyn's government do it (as already hinted at buy tinfoilat). See e.g. this short piece about railways renationalisation (which is nothing new by Corbyn, btw, if you care to check the article date ;)).


See this piece which says your piece is a load of twaddle...


I note your piece was written by Kate Hoey, who I understand is the leader of the UKIP branch of the Labour Party.

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Unfortunately manifesto's are worth less than the paper they are written on and are mostly just soundbites to appeal to the masses - more bank holidays, more police, more money for the NHS, higher minimum wage etc until these documents become legally binding you can take the lot with a pinch of salt.


I would never vote for the Tories and Labour are a spent force, it will be a no vote for me this time.

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India and the US have said much the same thing. So we swap free movement of people from Europe with free movement of people from India: a massive improvement.


But the huge difference is that we want CONTROLLED migration. Absolutely no one has said stop it.


What we need to do is stop the flow of unskilled workers. These are the people who require state assistance to survive. The unemployed should be forced to take unskilled jobs like they do in most EU countries.


We are one of the best countries in the world and alot of people want to live here.


Unfortunately we cannot take them all so we should take the best of the bunch.

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But the huge difference is that we want CONTROLLED migration. Absolutely no one has said stop it.


What we need to do is stop the flow of unskilled workers. These are the people who require state assistance to survive. The unemployed should be forced to take unskilled job...

Are you sill talking about Brexit? The EU requirements are for free movement of labour.

We have no obligation to allow the free movement of the unemployed, never have had.

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