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Its the labour party for me.

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but a leader, leads, takes a party with them. It just seems that he is being lead


Not at all. He knows which battles to fight and when to listen to the party (and more important, the electorate.) He has no ego. He genuinely wants what's best for the people of this country.


He's had a very difficult baptism of fire. He's done amazingly well to get this far in the face of constant media criticsm and bias. As he grows in stature and is able to get his message across I think he will flourish and take the party, and the country, with him. He is steadfast and can be very persuasive, but he is no dictator, and never will be.

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Not at all. He knows which battles to fight and when to listen to the party (and more important, the electorate.) He has no ego. He genuinely wants what's best for the people of this country.


He's had a very difficult baptism of fire. He's done amazingly well to get this far in the face of constant media criticsm and bias. As he grows in stature and is able to get his message across I think he will flourish and take the party, and the country, with him. He is steadfast and can be very persuasive, but he is no dictator, and never will be.


Anna the point is if he was to scrap trident, i would probably vote for him. But he can not, it would be killing a industry that employs thousands, the union will not allow it that. Nor big bussiness, so whos pocket is he in big bussiness and the unions.

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Anna the point is if he was to scrap trident, i would probably vote for him. But he can not, it would be killing a industry that employs thousands, the union will not allow it that. Nor big bussiness, so whos pocket is he in big bussiness and the unions.


I'd wait and see. If he gets into power he may yet bring the others round to his way of thinking. At the moment he's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.


The industry might employ thousands, so does the arms trade. It's a pity that we have now become among the biggest arms dealers in the world. How did that happen? Thatcher hadn't a quarm about putting thousands out of work when she shut down the mines and heavy industry to suit her ideology. Maybe that lead to the rise of the arms industry, I don't know.


I'm not saying he should do that, but there's no doubt that industries rise and fall and are replaced with new industries as long as the planning strategy and investment is there. The money he saved from paying for Trident could go into something like that.


Once again he is up against the Tory press telling everyone how we need to be a nuclear power, ("PM rips into Corbyn over chilling refusal to defend UK with Trident.") And while ever they have the mouthpiece of the media they will continue to push their agenda. And people will believe them...

Edited by Anna B
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Corbyn wants to sit and talk with his enemies about peace and wants to live in a peaceful world, don't we all? Then when the talking fails what then? Chamberlain came back with the little bit of white peice or peace paper which turned out to be worthless and Churchill always said " jaw jaw not war war" but sometimes that doesn't always work.

The people we are dealing with today are a different kettle of fish, Kim for instance, Corby wouldn't get anywhere near him. Corbyn can't defend himself let alone our country.

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Vote for Corbyn and we are leaving ourselves as a sitting duck should someone attack us with nuclear weapons , because he wouldnt press the button to defend us.


You consider a unrealistic fantasy situation more important than realistic ones like NHS school police.

Then even your vote will reflect this fantasy without any concern for England's future whatsoever.

Don't worry there will be many psychotics like this who vote for may.

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Corbyn wants to sit and talk with his enemies about peace and wants to live in a peaceful world, don't we all? Then when the talking fails what then? Chamberlain came back with the little bit of white peice or peace paper which turned out to be worthless and Churchill always said " jaw jaw not war war" but sometimes that doesn't always work.

The people we are dealing with today are a different kettle of fish, Kim for instance, Corby wouldn't get anywhere near him. Corbyn can't defend himself let alone our country.



well some people think Neville chamberlain delayed the war long enough for the uk to build up its armed forces in order to defend against the Nazis and think if we hadn't we would have lost the war.

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Corbyn wants to sit and talk with his enemies about peace and wants to live in a peaceful world, don't we all? Then when the talking fails what then? Chamberlain came back with the little bit of white peice or peace paper which turned out to be worthless and Churchill always said " jaw jaw not war war" but sometimes that doesn't always work.

The people we are dealing with today are a different kettle of fish, Kim for instance, Corby wouldn't get anywhere near him. Corbyn can't defend himself let alone our country.


what a nonsense comment, Corbyn has been fighting the Tories and the Backstabbing Blairites in his own party, no other politician would have put up with what he has had to endure, and he is not only still there, but giving a Tories a run for their money, and even some of the Blairites are now admitting they may have got it wrong..and you say he cant defend himself...pfttt

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Can someone tell me what's happened to all the old time Labour backbenchers such as Angela Eagle , Harmon etc? Have they all stepped down or did Corbyn replace them with his own favourites?

There seems to be a hell of a lot of inexperienced newcomers by his side, heaven help us if he gets in.

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Had an interesting chat with a mate at the weekend that made me rethink some of my opinions around tax mainly.

We were discussing the problem with our current business tax rules and how to sort it out. The short version was I was saying that an increase in corp tax of a few percent (perhaps a little less than Labour propose) would work as our tax rates would still be lower than any similar country and therefore we would gain more money but without pushing businesses away which is surely the ideal situation? He made a valid point that I'd not really thought, in that if we increase corp tax, we only hit the ones who pay it, and they aren't the issue really, if we increase their bill we gain an extra 5% say, but if we hit the ones who dodge it (legally or otherwise) then we gain 26%(or whatever it's set at). And he's right. I've not seen enough from ANY of the main parties that addresses this problem. Labour have got almost nothing in their manifesto about overhauling our business tax system, the Tories clearly don't because it suits them how it is, the Lib Dems seem to have the right idea in removing tax overheads for smaller businesses who need it while trying to close HMRC loopholes but there isn't enough detail.


I'm quite disappointed now as something you'd think would be a major area for reform seems to be being almost ignored by all 3 parties, including Labour who I would have expected to be leading on this.

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