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Its the labour party for me.

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Are you sill talking about Brexit? The EU requirements are for free movement of labour.

We have no obligation to allow the free movement of the unemployed, never have had.


Anyone with an EU passport can currently walk into the UK without any checks on criminals record, finances, etc.


Do they have a home?

Do you have a job?

How much money do you have in the bank?

How are you going to support yourself?

How many kids do you have?

Do you have any medical needs?


I mean these are the very simple questions that should be asked and we cannot.


I will vote for the conservatives this election because they want to stop this.


In 5 years time i will see where labour is and if i like what they say i will vote for them.


People who are anti-tory or anti-capitalists so protest vote..... i cannot take seriously. i vote for the best party to lead the country for 4 years. Simple

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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See this piece which says your piece is a load of twaddle...


I note your piece was written by Kate Hoey, who I understand is the leader of the UKIP branch of the Labour Party.

Kate Hoey was reprising the opinion of Danny Nicol, Assistant Secretary of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, and since Professor of Public Law at the University of Westminster (if you want to politicise this more than its needs to be).


Fowle's analysis is conjecture (good conjecture, as logical...but conjecture all the same), whereas Nicol's was based on Treaty practice by the ECJ (case law). I'll take Nicol's opinion over Fowles' opinion, but by all means feel free not to.

Edited by L00b
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I have had to think very hard( for the first time ever ) on who to vote for in the coming election.


The problem being that I am not very endeared to Jermy Corbyn as the Labour leader .


However this dilemma has now been solved by todays news that he if elected will renationalise the railways , the royal mail and energy industries this taking away from the robbing quangos that with .M.P's backing stole the public services in the first place.


Let us hope that this is followed by our re owner ship of the Steel and haulage industries so as once again our Country can be run for the common good of all the citizens and not just the CHOSEN few.


Good for you.


You've made a carefully considered decision. You won't get much support on here though. Don't let them put you off. When the Tory types feel threatened they can turn very nasty. Do your own research.

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Correction. He will TRY and fail to do those things.


The country does not have the money to pay for these things. He keeps harping on about making "the rich" pay, but they don't have endless pockets of cash.


Awww, and now his precious manifesto has been leaked he's avoiding all campaigning and public meeting today.


Jeremy Corbyn pulls out of poster launch amid Labour manifesto chaos



Corby Corby pudding and pie,

Slated the Tories and made them sigh.

When the press came out today,

Corby Corby ran away.


Very unfair. Of course he's not running away. The manifesto was leaked before it had had the finishing touches. You know and I know it is going to be under intense scrutiny, so he has to be ready for it.

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LAbour have said they are pro-brexit but we all know that they are not. They are just trying to claw back the working class vote.


Can you trust a labour party stating they want to leave the EU Diane Abbott behind the scenes? :loopy: Absolutely not.




Im not sure what you mean by 'at any cost'? Can you expound on your comment? :huh:


Jeremy Corbyn personally is a long time Brexiter, and has said Brexit will happen. He wants the best deal, and he listens to people's views.


As for Diane Abbott, I can't stand her. She should be kept behind the scenes, she does too much damage out front.

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Jeremy Corbyn personally is a long time Brexiter, and has said Brexit will happen. He wants the best deal, and he listens to people's views.


As for Diane Abbott, I can't stand her. She should be kept behind the scenes, she does too much damage out front.


He wasnt a Brexiter during the referendum.


The simple thing is that Corbyn is far too left wing for a party that is traditionally working class. He has attracted socialists, liberals, greens and even communists so the core voters for the labour party have deserted by a huge majority.


Its nice to have balance (the darkness always needs the light) but he has tipped the scales too far left to be the second most powerful party in the UK.


And the polls are proving that.

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He wasnt a Brexiter during the referendum.


The simple thing is that Corbyn is far too left wing for a party that is traditionally working class. He has attracted socialists, liberals, greens and even communists so the core voters for the labour party have deserted by a huge majority.


Its nice to have balance (the darkness always needs the light) but he has tipped the scales too far left to be the second most powerful party in the UK.


And the polls are proving that.


That perfectly sum up the situation.


In reply to Anna unfortanately Abbot has not been kept behind the scenes are the damage is already done, he Nick Ferrari interview will have put many, many people off a Labour vote.

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