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Its the labour party for me.

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Had an interesting chat with a mate at the weekend that made me rethink some of my opinions around tax mainly.

We were discussing the problem with our current business tax rules and how to sort it out. The short version was I was saying that an increase in corp tax of a few percent (perhaps a little less than Labour propose) would work as our tax rates would still be lower than any similar country and therefore we would gain more money but without pushing businesses away which is surely the ideal situation? He made a valid point that I'd not really thought, in that if we increase corp tax, we only hit the ones who pay it, and they aren't the issue really, if we increase their bill we gain an extra 5% say, but if we hit the ones who dodge it (legally or otherwise) then we gain 26%(or whatever it's set at). And he's right. I've not seen enough from ANY of the main parties that addresses this problem. Labour have got almost nothing in their manifesto about overhauling our business tax system, the Tories clearly don't because it suits them how it is, the Lib Dems seem to have the right idea in removing tax overheads for smaller businesses who need it while trying to close HMRC loopholes but there isn't enough detail.


I'm quite disappointed now as something you'd think would be a major area for reform seems to be being almost ignored by all 3 parties, including Labour who I would have expected to be leading on this.


Maybe they are waiting till election is over. There could be death treads if they wanted to close tax havens. It is easier to mess on this forum than to tell a large business world a Samaritan is coming who is going to put them straight to give it back to the lower classes. On that level insane things happen not seen by ordinary class people.

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Had an interesting chat with a mate at the weekend that made me rethink some of my opinions around tax mainly.

We were discussing the problem with our current business tax rules and how to sort it out. The short version was I was saying that an increase in corp tax of a few percent (perhaps a little less than Labour propose) would work as our tax rates would still be lower than any similar country and therefore we would gain more money but without pushing businesses away which is surely the ideal situation? He made a valid point that I'd not really thought, in that if we increase corp tax, we only hit the ones who pay it, and they aren't the issue really, if we increase their bill we gain an extra 5% say, but if we hit the ones who dodge it (legally or otherwise) then we gain 26%(or whatever it's set at). And he's right. I've not seen enough from ANY of the main parties that addresses this problem. Labour have got almost nothing in their manifesto about overhauling our business tax system, the Tories clearly don't because it suits them how it is, the Lib Dems seem to have the right idea in removing tax overheads for smaller businesses who need it while trying to close HMRC loopholes but there isn't enough detail.


I'm quite disappointed now as something you'd think would be a major area for reform seems to be being almost ignored by all 3 parties, including Labour who I would have expected to be leading on this.



Cynical, me? Nooooo! :hihi:

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dont you find it strange that a leader of a party, he has fundemental differences such as this, puppit springs to mind


Labour leaders have always been the puppets for the Unions . It may be the party leader saying things, but its the union who have their hand up their back operating their mouth.

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Can someone tell me what's happened to all the old time Labour backbenchers such as Angela Eagle , Harmon etc? Have they all stepped down or did Corbyn replace them with his own favourites?

There seems to be a hell of a lot of inexperienced newcomers by his side, heaven help us if he gets in.


i must say ive had the same thoughts, where are the " so called big hitters" of the labour party, not seen or heard from any during this election.

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I'm voting for Labour. Jeremy Corbyn and John Mcdonell are genuinely what Tony Benn would call "signpost" people as opposed to a "weathercock", which is what Teresa May seems to be.


Immigration was my main concern for a long time, and I imagined that the Tory's would do something about it, but quite clearly they haven't and are not going to, so mass immigration is something that we're going to have to accept and live with, and I'd rather accept and live with it with a government that will work to protect vulnerable people and workers rights etc then a Tory government that is less inclined to do those things.

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I'm voting for Labour. Jeremy Corbyn and John Mcdonell are genuinely what Tony Benn would call "signpost" people as opposed to a "weathercock", which is what Teresa May seems to be.


Immigration was my main concern for a long time, and I imagined that the Tory's would do something about it, but quite clearly they haven't and are not going to, so mass immigration is something that we're going to have to accept and live with, and I'd rather accept and live with it with a government that will work to protect vulnerable people and workers rights etc then a Tory government that is less inclined to do those things.


how can they when we are in the EU, if a labour/SNP governement get in nothing will change we will end up like Norway

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I don't understand why the majority of ordinary people would vote Tory. A definite case of Turkeys voting for Christmas surely?


Have people become so used to being downtrodden and brainwashed that they think they have to do what their elders and betters tell them to do, and that's to not think for themselves and just shut up and suffer? Do the ordinary voters not think they deserve anything for themselves and for all their hard work? That they should continue to endure cuts and austerity while the rich have their snouts stuck firmly in the trough of plenty?

Mrs May says she is going to do something for the 'just about managing' which is jolly good of her - and that would be what exactly? Her idea seems to be that they wait and then scrabble for the crumbs off the top table.

There's precious little else for them in her manifesto...


The alternative is a man who is a real champion of the ordinary people; who genuinely cares and values their contribution; who says what they've been saying for years and is asking for the chance to put it into practice.

To my mind the choice has never been simpler or clearer, vote for someone who has their best interests at heart, and wants to work with the majority of people on side.


'The only people voting Conservative are millionaires and the misinformed. If you're not sure which you are, check your wallet.'

Edited by Anna B
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Had an interesting chat with a mate at the weekend that made me rethink some of my opinions around tax mainly.

We were discussing the problem with our current business tax rules and how to sort it out. The short version was I was saying that an increase in corp tax of a few percent (perhaps a little less than Labour propose) would work as our tax rates would still be lower than any similar country and therefore we would gain more money but without pushing businesses away which is surely the ideal situation? He made a valid point that I'd not really thought, in that if we increase corp tax, we only hit the ones who pay it, and they aren't the issue really, if we increase their bill we gain an extra 5% say, but if we hit the ones who dodge it (legally or otherwise) then we gain 26%(or whatever it's set at). And he's right. I've not seen enough from ANY of the main parties that addresses this problem. Labour have got almost nothing in their manifesto about overhauling our business tax system, the Tories clearly don't because it suits them how it is, the Lib Dems seem to have the right idea in removing tax overheads for smaller businesses who need it while trying to close HMRC loopholes but there isn't enough detail.


I'm quite disappointed now as something you'd think would be a major area for reform seems to be being almost ignored by all 3 parties, including Labour who I would have expected to be leading on this.


Corp tax rates have one down but actual tax yields have increased. You might want to think carefully how you mess around with them. In addition not being in the EU will eb a big disincentive for some companies so raising taxes will only be exacerbated by Brexit.


---------- Post added 05-06-2017 at 23:18 ----------


I don't understand why the majority of ordinary people would vote Tory. A definite case of Turkeys voting for Christmas surely?


Have people become so used to being downtrodden and brainwashed that they think they have to do what their elders and betters tell them to do, and that's suffer? Do they not think they deserve anything for themselves and for all their hard work? That they deserve cuts and austerity while the rich have their snouts stuck firmly in the trough of plenty? Mrs May says she is going to do something for the 'just about managing.' which is jolly good of her, - and that would be what exactly? Her idea seems to be that they wait and then scrabble for the crumbs off the top table. There's precious little else for them in her manifesto...


The alternative is a man who is a real champion of the ordinary people; who genuinely cares and values their contribution; who says what they've been saying for years and is asking for the chance to put it into practice.


The decision for ordinary people has never been simpler or clearer, at last a chance to turn things around with the people on side.


'The only people voting Conservative are millionaires and the misinformed. If you're not sure which you are, check your wallet.'


Most people are working . those aspiring for a decent living arent convinced by same old labour tax and spend policies. The IFS has pointed out his spending is way over what he can expect to get in taxes. he will take the economy by spending what we dont have.


Some of us would like the economy to stay intact, its taken it long enough to recover as it is.

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I don't understand why the majority of ordinary people would vote Tory.


Not having a dig Anna but I really don't think there is now such a thing as ordinary people. It a bit like the traditional notion of the working class in that no one now wants to be classed as ordinary or working class.

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