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Its the labour party for me.

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That's because of the terrible sky interview last night where she had NO facts or figures to hand on a terrorist report and only a vague idea about what it is about....future Home Secretary??!!

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---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 08:30 ----------


Diane Abbott is one of my least favourite politicians and that's saying something when you consider my political leaning! However, I don't think she's nasty, she's just clueless.


I think its both. Wasn't she alleged to have told Corbyn's wife to "get out of town" after they split and when she was having an affair with him?

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Because you're blinkered and ignorant with a narrow point of view? You tend to have one view and stick to it, despite being offered lots of other views and articles to oppose any argument on this forum you may have.


You might think Corbyn is the bees knees but plenty don't, including his own MPs. And you call them "Blairites". Total ignorance.


Have a read at this, why people voted Tory in 2015:



i dont think she is, people are bombarded by bias against Corbyn, see here



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So Deano what you are saying is that things that Corbyn voted for, proscribing against Al Qaeda, are now coming back to bite him in the ass and for once the usually left wing BBC was not on his side cos it showed a photo with osama bin laden and Corbyn in it. Good article

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So Deano what you are saying is that things that Corbyn voted for, proscribing against Al Qaeda, are now coming back to bite him in the ass and for once the usually left wing BBC was not on his side cos it showed a photo with osama bin laden and Corbyn in it. Good article


Last desperate moves from people who are going to be shocked Thursday.

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Time will tell Dutch but there are plenty life long labour supporters who are not voting for them. I know May is the lesser of two evils but there you have the crux of the matter.

4 million UKIP voters have to find a new home and I think they will go more to Tory than Liebour.

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i dont think she is, people are bombarded by bias against Corbyn, see here




Typical Canary bias.


They haven't "photoshopped Corbyn next to a terrorist" like they claim.


The way the Canary misleading portrays it is like they've done this:




Here's another Canary misleading headline:


Corbyn wins 18 elections by a landslide, the media’s silence is deafening



The headline, it turned out, referred to the gain of 18 seats “on regional boards and Young Labour’s national committee” by candidates who happened to like Jeremy Corbyn. The Canary was furiously demanding to know why this news hadn’t led the BBC bulletins.


The turn-out in these elections, incidentally, was 3.5 per cent. Undeterred, The Canary said they proved “young people do vote”.



In under a year, The Canary – an upstart website that pays its writers by the click and is run out of a house in Bristol – has gained a loyal audience of readers and a certain degree of influence within left-wing politics, with a relentless diet of pro-Jeremy Corbyn material that bypasses the traditional media completely. It's been accused of evading reporting guidelines on suicide, of reckless journalism, and of acting as a left-wing clickbait factory.



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