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Its the labour party for me.

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So Deano what you are saying is that things that Corbyn voted for, proscribing against Al Qaeda, are now coming back to bite him in the ass and for once the usually left wing BBC was not on his side cos it showed a photo with osama bin laden and Corbyn in it. Good article


Devil is in the detail....go and find out what was actually said and done

left wing bias at the BBC :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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If Labour come into power we might aswell not of bothered with brexit. The EU will be praying it's them after what Corbyn said about the deal, they'll know they can offer whatever deal they like and it will be accepted no matter how much it screws us over. I've got a sneaky feeling it may become reality though:(

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Typical Canary bias.


They haven't "photoshopped Corbyn next to a terrorist" like they claim.


The way the Canary misleading portrays it is like they've done this:




Here's another Canary misleading headline:


Corbyn wins 18 elections by a landslide, the media’s silence is deafening










so the clip i watched from the BBC...you say i didnt actually see a clip of Bin Laden at the same time as Corbyn?


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 12:58 ----------


If Labour come into power we might aswell not of bothered with brexit. The EU will be praying it's them after what Corbyn said about the deal, they'll know they can offer whatever deal they like and it will be accepted no matter how much it screws us over. I've got a sneaky feeling it may become reality though:(


and do you think May is going to be getting a good deal for the working classes from Brexit? or just the money men?

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Devil is in the detail voted against 21 organisations being proscribed. Including AL Qaeda, so voted against prescribing Al Qaeda. He is the terrorists friend and can never get away from that label


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 13:05 ----------


Labours Brexit deal for working classes is to still let more in to undercut wages, more stress on services etc.

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so the clip i watched from the BBC...you say i didnt actually see a clip of Bin Laden at the same time as Corbyn?


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 12:58 ----------



and do you think May is going to be getting a good deal for the working classes from Brexit? or just the money men?


Who knows but i believe they wont accept a bad deal for the sake of being in the single market. I keep hearing people saying immigration is still going up but the simple fact is while ever we allow free movement it won't improve and the terrorist attacks don't help changing that view.

We all have our views so i'm not going to argue on here who's right and who's wrong but my postal vote was send this morning so it doesn't matter to me now, made my choice so i'll just wait and see what happens,

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Devil is in the detail voted against 21 organisations being proscribed. Including AL Qaeda, so voted against prescribing Al Qaeda. He is the terrorists friend and can never get away from that label


dont be silly, he didnt vote against them because he is a friend of the terrorists, there were loads of Tories that voted against it as well, dont just view things in black and white...


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 13:06 ----------


Devil is in the detail voted against 21 organisations being proscribed. Including AL Qaeda, so voted against prescribing Al Qaeda. He is the terrorists friend and can never get away from that label


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 13:05 ----------


Labours Brexit deal for working classes is to still let more in to undercut wages, more stress on services etc.


no its not....


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 13:08 ----------


Who knows but i believe they wont accept a bad deal for the sake of being in the single market. I keep hearing people saying immigration is still going up but the simple fact is while ever we allow free movement it won't improve and the terrorist attacks don't help changing that view.

We all have our views so i'm not going to argue on here who's right and who's wrong but my postal vote was send this morning so it doesn't matter to me now, made my choice so i'll just wait and see what happens,

good for you, i hope you get what you vote for, its a democracy...just

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Ok then he has never invited representatives from terrorist organisations, sorry freedom fighters, to the commons. He has the label and can never lose it.


Hopefully after Thursday something more in touch with the "working classes" may emerge from labours ashes. Notice the moderates such as Chuka Umuna are keeping a low profile during this campaign, wonder why?.


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 13:14 ----------


I think the simple fact is most people, myself and nervy owl etc, have made up our minds and the actual swing voters are actually very small in numbers. Thus election has been decided and it has been decided by 90% personality and 10% policy.

As I said May is the lesser of two evils and I trust her on Brexit not Corbyn.

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Ok then he has never invited representatives from terrorist organisations, sorry freedom fighters, to the commons. He has the label and can never lose it.


Hopefully after Thursday something more in touch with the "working classes" may emerge from labours ashes. Notice the moderates such as Chuka Umuna are keeping a low profile during this campaign, wonder why?.


he has the label because idiots keep giving it him :huh:

of course he did invite terrorist organisations for discussions to work for peace, not because he is mates with them, unlike Thatcher and Pinochett...now they WERE real friends...

what is your response to my statement that Tories also voting against the terrorism bill with Corbyn?

Corbyn will still be there after the election, if he loses he will not be going anywhere


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 13:17 ----------


Ok then he has never invited representatives from terrorist organisations, sorry freedom fighters, to the commons. He has the label and can never lose it.


Hopefully after Thursday something more in touch with the "working classes" may emerge from labours ashes. Notice the moderates such as Chuka Umuna are keeping a low profile during this campaign, wonder why?.


---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 13:14 ----------


I think the simple fact is most people, myself and nervy owl etc, have made up our minds and the actual swing voters are actually very small in numbers. Thus election has been decided and it has been decided by 90% personality and 10% policy.

As I said May is the lesser of two evils and I trust her on Brexit not Corbyn.

Jeeeez, that just about sums up the state of the country, you vote on personality? lol....okay im out

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Conservatives may have voted against the terrorism bill but their leader, May, did not. That is the problem, the label persists that he is a Marxist Trotskyite socialist terrorist lover but according to him he is NOT a RICH Marxist Trotskyite socialist terrorist lover.

I have no doubt that he will still be there after the election because the momentum members,which consist of every die hard leftie in the country, will keep him in power so long as the yearly membership stays at 3 quid or so.


Say all that you want that character and personality does not come into it but it does. Do I trust Corbyn to get a good Brexit -no, do I trust Corbyn to protect the country and not review ( cut) the armed forces-no, do I trust Abbott to be on the side of the Police and against terrorism-no, do I trust Corbyn with the economy-no, do I trust Corbyn to make life on benefits pay more than working-yes,do I trust Corbyn to be a friend to "freedom fighters" - yes.

That is why he will lose on Thursday.

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---------- Post added 06-06-2017 at 13:17 ----------



Jeeeez, that just about sums up the state of the country, you vote on personality? lol....okay im out


I know someone who once voted for Tony Blair because she thought he was good looking, takes all kinds doesn't it?

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