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Its the labour party for me.

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I will vote for the conservatives this election because they want to stop this.


No they don't: if they did, they would have tried by now. Curbing immigration has been in their manifesto for years. Granted they were lumbered with a Home Secretary who was thoroughly incompetent, but she has moved on to a new job by now.


It is all very well asking for controlled immigration, but you have to look at who is controlling it and what are their motives.

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No they don't: if they did, they would have tried by now. Curbing immigration has been in their manifesto for years. Granted they were lumbered with a Home Secretary who was thoroughly incompetent, but she has moved on to a new job by now.


It is all very well asking for controlled immigration, but you have to look at who is controlling it and what are their motives.


Well i dont really invest into conspiracy theories.


I know that in 2012 i looked into emigrating to Australia and that it was a very strict process.


If you dont have what they need then you cannot live there.


Why is that such a bad thing? I really dont understand why any UK citizen would object to that process.

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I have absolutely no doubt the Tories will be re-elected, its a one horse race as labour are a shambles and far too PC and soft on immigration.


Not as bad as the Tories on immigration, the Tories allowed in record numbers, despite promising to cut immigration!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Not as bad as the Tories on immigration, the Tories allowed in record numbers, despite promising to cut immigration!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda.


I voting on the future not the past.


Tony Blair said there were WMD's.....is that going to stop you voting labour?

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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An example of the cost of privatisation:




a snippet:


"Railtrack has already been bailed out to the tune of a £1.5bn subsidy paid early. It has asked for another billion and there is no reason to suppose that the begging bowl has been put away. "


Yet the nationalised East Coast mainline made profits of £208m that went back into government coffers. Neither example tells the whole story but there's no reason at all why nationalisation couldn't pay its way, but equally there's a good chance it will end up costing. Much like Brexit, the way you feel about the idea will skew which figures you buy more into.

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Well i dont really invest into conspiracy theories...


Nobody is suggesting a conspiracy theory, it is simply a question of who is in charge: the Conservatives are the party for big business, big profits for the top and who cares who gets trampled.

Does that make them likely to reduce the import of cheap labour just because it makes a few poor people that much poorer?


They are driven simply by the numbers: if they can drive down the wages of 100 workers to below minimum wage in order to give three directors £100K bonus, then that is an economic gain.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 13:46 ----------


Tony Blair said there were WMD's.....is that going to stop you voting labour?


Yup. Leastwise until the Party properly condemns him for it.

But voting against the Conservatives takes a higher precedent: voting for is largely irrelevant.

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Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda.


I voting on the future not the past.


Tony Blair said there were WMD's.....is that going to stop you voting labour?


It made me not vote Labour in 2005 as a direct result of the actions and statements made my Labour MPs at the time.


So it's all great and correct to look at who you think will offer the best for the country and yourself in the future, but looking at the recent past also gives you an idea of which promises they will break...

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The one thing that would get me to vote Labour again would be if they Scrapped Trident but as their party have already voted for its go-ahead its a no-no. As said in another thread, if the reports of the leaked manifesto are anything to go by then they will need plenty of money to do all these things and upgrading Trident adds to all that.

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It made me not vote Labour in 2005 as a direct result of the actions and statements made my Labour MPs at the time.


So it's all great and correct to look at who you think will offer the best for the country and yourself in the future, but looking at the recent past also gives you an idea of which promises they will break...


All politicians are liars. That is the nature of politics. To them, we are 'the mob'.... a concept that goes back to the Roman empire.


They say what they think we want to hear to get them into power. I dislike all politicians based on that fact.


But vote for the party that are best qualified to run the country. Dont vote labour because you dislike the tories. They are all the same.


If you own a company, would you employ the person whos best suited for the job or the person who made you smile the most in the interview?


Just doesnt make sense. :huh:

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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