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Its the labour party for me.

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I don't think JC is the golden answer, I see it like a farmer who likes it to rain when the ground is dry and the sun to shine when needed. Both are needed for a good crop. A bit of real left gov will not hurt UK today.

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But labour costs are already massively lower so if that's your sole reason then why aren't you manufacturing overseas already? I doubt I can find a single item of clothing in my wardrobe that's made in the UK. And it is definitely about finding the happy medium but currently minimum wage is so low relatively that people earning it have to get their wages topped up by tax credits so clearly something is wrong here. If we are saying that minimum wage isn't enough to earn a reasonable lifestyle then either the costs of living here need to decrease or the amount of money earned has to increase. For most people the costs of living would be helped massively by cheaper housing, so we need to reduce housing costs, probably by building more a lot more, but people don't want that as it will reduce the value of their house. So we increase wages so the businesses are forced to pay their staff enough money so people aren't getting government handouts when they are working full time on NMW. But then people complain that businesses may go bust or have to cut staff to cover the costs. So we do nothing and carry on paying out billions a years in benefit payments to people working full time, and then people complain our welfare bill is too high....and around we go.


So, over to you. How do we break out of that loop while not buggering up people's mortgages, shutting businesses or making people unemployed and reducing the welfare bill?


---------- Post added 07-06-2017 at 11:16 ----------



Made me chortle. I'd vote for them. Oh hang on.


To answer your first sentence maybe the extra 10% wage hike is the straw that broke the camel's back...maybe I'd like to produce here but it's no longer profitable? As for the rest, if I knew the answers to all that I'd be the best Chancellor we'd ever had :)

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..........I don't hate her Banjo mate........I leave hatred up to the lefties!, I just think she's a political liability.....bit like Boris I suppose.


Everyone keeps saying the lefties are full of hate, but i can assure you the hatred works both ways in all parties supporters, its just that when people are of a certain persuasion, they never see it from their side.

yeah i will agree she is a liability to this campaign, but she must do some great work for her constituents, thats why she keeps getting elected. but she has not done well in this campaign for many days, i was only saying to my partner a few days ago that she is not well, you can see her mind is a million miles away from the subject at hand, whether its just stress or personal problems we dont know, either way, she needs to be out of it for her own sake.

As regards to Borris, he is allowed more mistakes and not jumped on, its put down to "its just Borris"....and "thats how he is"..i think the majority of the public quite like his bonkers act, i for one find him irritating and annoying..

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Everyone keeps saying the lefties are full of hate, but i can assure you the hatred works both ways in all parties supporters, its just that when people are of a certain persuasion, they never see it from their side.

yeah i will agree she is a liability to this campaign, but she must do some great work for her constituents, thats why she keeps getting elected. but she has not done well in this campaign for many days, i was only saying to my partner a few days ago that she is not well, you can see her mind is a million miles away from the subject at hand, whether its just stress or personal problems we dont know, either way, she needs to be out of it for her own sake.

As regards to Borris, he is allowed more mistakes and not jumped on, its put down to "its just Borris"....and "thats how he is"..i think the majority of the public quite like his bonkers act, i for one find him irritating and annoying..


Someone accusing someone else is most likely reflecting what is inside themselves.


If someone drove a car the way borris does politics the licence would be suspended. There should be a license for straight and fair politics that keeps people like borris out.

There is a filtering system in politics to keep people like JC out. Only reason he got through was because twitter and Facebook pressured MP to give party members a fair choice to elect a leftie. These MP didn't see what was coming next, had they known they would not have allowed it to happen.

It is sickening people like borris are welcomed while the same system tries to keep out lefties. It is not a real democracy.

Edited by dutch
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The pay/reward structuring for non-fee earners in that line of work isn't much different to the legal profession of Andy1976's example.


The problem is not so much with the (qualified) architects and their trainees, as with their secretaries, clerks, assistants.


The value of a skillset is determined by the free job market, with NMW deemed to correspond to a utilitarian/commodity baseline. Whenever the government ups the value attached to that baseline, the job market automatically adjusts the value of any 'better' (more profitable, sought-after, etc.) skillset upwards.

But you're using an anecdote to try and validate a general principle.


In my misspent youth, I first qualified as an abseil worker and used to be paid like a prince to assemble curtain walls at height (think the 'Gherkin' in London, that kind of affair). But I was about as representative of the general building site worker/upvc-Alu fitter job market and pay rate, as a Lamborghini is representative of the general car market and pricing.


i.e. the statistical rounding error, give or take ;)

Even you acknowledge the basic principle that if you up NMW, employees higher up the job chain likewise get paid more. Do you believe businesses are generally so profitable, that there is ample room to swallow the overhead for a long time; or that businesses simply pass on the overhead surge to their customers? Net result: every is paid more, to pay for stuff and services that cost more.


I work in construction and the increases in goods particularly in the last 5yrs is staggering, wages have pretty much remained stagnant in that time.


---------- Post added 07-06-2017 at 12:27 ----------


I don't disagree that most people, myself included, chose to go to uni so I would get a better job, but that doesn't mean I mind if a cleaner earns more than me, in fact it's quite likely some do if their job involves risk. My friend is a window cleaner and he earns considerably more than me, but that's because he specialises in high rise and extremely dangerous buildings and he is paid for the risk factor involved.


It's back to the old argument though, what happened when minimum wage came in first time around? The same things that happened then will likely happen now. The world didn't end. Our economy didn't tank. Wages for higher earners increased roughly inline with the new lower earners. Small businesses didn't all go bust overnight. Why is everyone thinking that it will this time, when businesses are being 3 years notice to bring themselves into line before being forced so that's adequate time for most companies to work out how to manage it and how it will impact them.


No product is 100% staff, not even in the service industry, so while increasing wages will indeed increase overheads, the price of products will not go up by the same ratio meaning goods will be relatively cheaper for all as people will spend a lower percentage of their income on goods than they do now.


---------- Post added 07-06-2017 at 10:04 ----------



But we have no idea what is wrong with her health so how you can assume it's because of 'stress'? Oh, it's because you have agenda, my bad.


What agenda do I have, she's an awful "politician" and totally out of her depth, maybe cynical but the timing of the illness after some car crash TV interviews seems very convenient.

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---------- Post added 07-06-2017 at 12:27 ----------

What agenda do I have, she's an awful "politician" and totally out of her depth, maybe cynical but the timing of the illness after some car crash TV interviews seems very convenient.


I think she was visited by Prospero and is now suffering from the Red Death...


Cue Fridays results. :hihi:

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