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Its the labour party for me.

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All politicians are liars. That is the nature of politics.


They say what they think we want to hear to get them into power.


To them, we are 'the mob'.... a concept that goes back to the Roman empire.


But vote for the party that are best qualified to run the country. Dont vote labour because you dislike the tories. Just doesnt make sense. :huh:


I won't be voting Labour but I do dislike the Tories. That last line really doesn't make any sense. However, if my choice was only Labour or Tory then I'd vote Labour in a heartbeat. Neither are perfect but I believe in Labours version of the future far more than I do the Tories.

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I have had to think very hard( for the first time ever ) on who to vote for in the coming election.


The problem being that I am not very endeared to Jermy Corbyn as the Labour leader .


However this dilemma has now been solved by todays news that he if elected will renationalise the railways , the royal mail and energy industries this taking away from the robbing quangos that with .M.P's backing stole the public services in the first place.


Let us hope that this is followed by our re owner ship of the Steel and haulage industries so as once again our Country can be run for the common good of all the citizens and not just the CHOSEN few.


he he heee, I take it you weren't around to see what a mess we were in in the 1970s? Corbyn lives in cloud cuckoo land and not in the real world.

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Renationalisation no matter what the cost is then?


It always strikes me as odd, the argument for the privatisation of essential services: it amounts to saying that these things should be run by private companies because the government is not competent enough for the task...

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Nobody wins, unless everybody wins


That's why I would raise taxes


Share the wealth


What would be the point in studying and working hard if we all earned equal amounts? Ever heard of brain drain?

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Nobody wins, unless everybody wins


That's why I would raise taxes


Share the wealth


I dont have any wealth. I have no disposable income from £30,000 a year.


Im taxed to the hilt already.


Everytime i get a few extra quid someone takes it.

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