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Its the labour party for me.

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All the leaked manifesto promises have been costed by Diane Abbot, so they must be affordable. I'm with them on abolishing tuition fees but that went well for the lib-dems, sorry I meant it went well for Nick Clegg, it got him five years of glory as deputy PM.

Ed Millibands former political advisor (don't laugh) referred to the leaked manifesto today as a leaked suicide note.

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Interesting conversation on LBC this morning about rail privatisation, many of Britain’s rail franchises are already owned and operated by state-owned companies – from Germany, the Netherlands and France, who apparently are wheeling in big bucks with profits that are flowing back to their countries, funding public transport and spending across Europe.

The difference is that those countries have competent governments. (Relatively speaking at least).


If that is true, then can you confirm that the hundeds if not thousands of immigrants of working age that have come into Page Hall and elsewhere are in gainfull employment?


I suggest you take it up with your government. Or if you are hard of thinking, you could just blame it on the EU.

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So you're punishing the hard working and the prosperous?


Why should someone who has worked hard to succeed have to give their money to the people who are not as successful? no thank you


I dont have as much money as my neighbour...does that entitle me to his property? absolutely not.


Food banks seem to be the go to argument for liberals at the moment. There is no data on why these people are using food banks.


People can survive on benefits. Ive done it myself. But i had to sacrifice having no fancy TV, no sky, no fancy phone, no drugs, no drink, no ps4, no pets, no nights out, no holidays, no car, no nice clothes ......and certainly no children.


If you want hose thinsg then your gonbna struggle on benefits and may need to use a food bank. But have you tired selling your 50" TV first....i bet they didnt


Over simplistic answer here, but not everyone who is wealthy is hardworking or deserving, and not everyone who is poor is lazy and feckless. I'd say some of the hardest working people in the UK are on minimal wage, and most of the laziest earn nothing and live off interest from their inheritance.


There is plenty of data about food bank usage. Honestly, do you just come out with tripe without the slightest embarrassment? It takes literally 1 Google search to find reliable stats on food bank usage. The figures show the majority of people using food banks are working more than 16 hours a week. The second largest group are people who have had benefit delayed and have no other source of income. People can only use most food banks if they are referred from a professional service like the GP or Job Centre, so we aren't talking about people just 'fancying a free can of beans'.

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I have had to think very hard( for the first time ever ) on who to vote for in the coming election.


The problem being that I am not very endeared to Jermy Corbyn as the Labour leader .


However this dilemma has now been solved by todays news that he if elected will renationalise the railways , the royal mail and energy industries this taking away from the robbing quangos that with .M.P's backing stole the public services in the first place.


Let us hope that this is followed by our re owner ship of the Steel and haulage industries so as once again our Country can be run for the common good of all the citizens and not just the CHOSEN few.


Good for you. It's nice to see people making up their own mind, and having sufficient strength of character to go against the 'received wisdom'.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 17:11 ----------


So you're punishing the hard working and the prosperous?


Why should someone who has worked hard to succeed have to give their money to the people who are not as successful? no thank you


I dont have as much money as my neighbour...does that entitle me to his property? absolutely not.


Food banks seem to be the go to argument for liberals at the moment. There is no data on why these people are using food banks.


People can survive on benefits. Ive done it myself. But i had to sacrifice having no fancy TV, no sky, no fancy phone, no drugs, no drink, no ps4, no pets, no nights out, no holidays, no car, no nice clothes ......and certainly no children.


If you want hose thinsg then your gonbna struggle on benefits and may need to use a food bank. But have you tired selling your 50" TV first....i bet they didnt


Who says the hard working are prosperous, or even the prosperous are hard working; and those without are feckless? There are plenty of examples of wealthy people who, when they have no money, just cannot cope.


---------- Post added 11-05-2017 at 17:14 ----------


Over simplistic answer here, but not everyone who is wealthy is hardworking or deserving, and not everyone who is poor is lazy and feckless. I'd say some of the hardest working people in the UK are on minimal wage, and most of the laziest earn nothing and live off interest from their inheritance.


There is plenty of data about food bank usage. Honestly, do you just come out with tripe without the slightest embarrassment? It takes literally 1 Google search to find reliable stats on food bank usage. The figures show the majority of people using food banks are working more than 16 hours a week. The second largest group are people who have had benefit delayed and have no other source of income. People can only use most food banks if they are referred from a professional service like the GP or Job Centre, so we aren't talking about people just 'fancying a free can of beans'.


Well said.


Some people are so quick to point the finger and accuse others of laziness and fecklessness; but have no embarrassment about demonstrating their own ignorance about basic facts.

Edited by Mister M
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Over simplistic answer here, but not everyone who is wealthy is hardworking or deserving, and not everyone who is poor is lazy and feckless. I'd say some of the hardest working people in the UK are on minimal wage, and most of the laziest earn nothing and live off interest from their inheritance.


There is plenty of data about food bank usage. Honestly, do you just come out with tripe without the slightest embarrassment? It takes literally 1 Google search to find reliable stats on food bank usage. The figures show the majority of people using food banks are working more than 16 hours a week. The second largest group are people who have had benefit delayed and have no other source of income. People can only use most food banks if they are referred from a professional service like the GP or Job Centre, so we aren't talking about people just 'fancying a free can of beans'.


I have read the stats about who uses food banks but there is no data as to the individual circumstances.


People on low income can claim JSA, ESA, housing benefits and council tax support. Why cant they afford food?


People who claiming benefits can claim tax credits, housing benefits and council tax support. Why cant they afford food?


Like i said. From my own experience....


People can survive on benefits. Ive done it myself. But i had to sacrifice having no fancy TV, no sky, no fancy phone, no drugs, no fags, no drink, no ps4, no pets, no nights out, no holidays, no car, no nice clothes ......and certainly no children.


I regularly watch the programs about people on benefits on channel 5 and i cant afford some of their lifestyles. How anyone on benefits can afford a car is beyond me.


1,182,954 is The number of three-day emergency food supplies given to people in crisis by Trussell Trust foodbanks in the financial year 2016-2017.


How many of those circumstances were self inflicted?


How many people using food banks smoke? Are drug addicts? Are homeless? Own a car? Went on holiday to benidorm?

Edited by SkylinePhoto
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try doing that on 16 grand, like the tories are doing

Yes, that's absolutely disgraceful, I've heard of people who have been unemployed for years getting that much and more. That's even more than someone working 40 hours a week on minimum wage and even paying tax on that. Some can even afford things like Sky TV and they still complain about austerity.

After working for 50 years I wish we got that much pension.

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I have had to think very hard( for the first time ever ) on who to vote for in the coming election.


The problem being that I am not very endeared to Jermy Corbyn as the Labour leader .


However this dilemma has now been solved by todays news that he if elected will renationalise the railways , the royal mail and energy industries this taking away from the robbing quangos that with .M.P's backing stole the public services in the first place.


Let us hope that this is followed by our re owner ship of the Steel and haulage industries so as once again our Country can be run for the common good of all the citizens and not just the CHOSEN few.


I'm going too back Corbyn 100% young people need a leader like this to give them a future. This election is very important not just about Brexit but social change.

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Interesting conversation on LBC this morning about rail privatisation, many of Britain’s rail franchises are already owned and operated by state-owned companies – from Germany, the Netherlands and France, who apparently are wheeling in big bucks with profits that are flowing back to their countries, funding public transport and spending across Europe.


Its not only the rail franchises, 4 out of the big 6 energy companies are owned by non British companies and most are also listed on the LSE. One of the reasons why complete re-nationalisation is not going to happen.

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Its not only the rail franchises, 4 out of the big 6 energy companies are owned by non British companies and most are also listed on the LSE. One of the reasons why complete re-nationalisation is not going to happen.


It would be easier for the government to setup its own company and sell energy at a much more competitive price.


This will drive the price down with the privately owned companies having to compete.

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