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Its the labour party for me.

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I have had to think very hard( for the first time ever ) on who to vote for in the coming election.


The problem being that I am not very endeared to Jermy Corbyn as the Labour leader .


However this dilemma has now been solved by todays news that he if elected will renationalise the railways , the royal mail and energy industries this taking away from the robbing quangos that with .M.P's backing stole the public services in the first place.


Let us hope that this is followed by our re owner ship of the Steel and haulage industries so as once again our Country can be run for the common good of all the citizens and not just the CHOSEN few.



I thought we had gone back to 1971 when i saw Labours election manifesto .

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No , we just want to stop uncontrolled immigration , which we cant do whilst a member of the circus in Brussels.


Dont waste your breath


Doesnt matter how many times you say it.....remoaners dont listen. :hihi:


There is no hard or soft Brexit....just Brexit.


No free movement = no single market

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It would be easier for the government to setup its own company and sell energy at a much more competitive price.


This will drive the price down with the privately owned companies having to compete.


According to the Labour (leaked) manifesto they will:


"Create at least one publicly-owned energy company in every region of the UK, with public control of the transmission and distribution grids"


Now, without going too Brexit is this possible at the moment as the EU has competition laws? I'm not sure if this will be in breach of those especially as 4 out of those big six are not British owned.

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According to the Labour (leaked) manifesto they will:


"Create at least one publicly-owned energy company in every region of the UK, with public control of the transmission and distribution grids"


Now, without going too Brexit is this possible at the moment as the EU has competition laws? I'm not sure if this will be in breach of those especially as 4 out of those big six are not British owned.


Once we leave the EU we can make our own rules.


Im really excited to see what they do with tariffs for industries like steel....might even get some coal mines open. :love:

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According to the Labour (leaked) manifesto they will:


"Create at least one publicly-owned energy company in every region of the UK, with public control of the transmission and distribution grids"


Now, without going too Brexit is this possible at the moment as the EU has competition laws? I'm not sure if this will be in breach of those especially as 4 out of those big six are not British owned.


When we have Brexit they can do it.


Don't you just love the law of unintended consequences.

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