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What if Theresa May loses her seat?

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No. The PM MUST be sitting MP so if she lost her seat then it's likely the deputy leader of the Tory party would become the PM until the Tories decided what to do about the PM position and that would be down for them to decide who they wish to be PM. The public do not vote for the PM, it's simply the person appointed by the winning party or coalition.

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No. The PM MUST be sitting MP so if she lost her seat then it's likely the deputy leader of the Tory party would become the PM until the Tories decided what to do about the PM position and that would be down for them to decide who they wish to be PM. The public do not vote for the PM, it's simply the person appointed by the winning party or coalition.


The only qualification for the PM is someone who can "command the confidence of the House" It would be possible albeit very difficult for the PM to be a member of the House of Lords.


The Prime Minister is appointed by the Queen - no one else, so if the PM resigns or fails then they can advise the Queen on who may be appointed next.

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The only qualification for the PM is someone who can "command the confidence of the House" It would be possible albeit very difficult for the PM to be a member of the House of Lords.


The Prime Minister is appointed by the Queen - no one else, so if the PM resigns or fails then they can advise the Queen on who may be appointed next.


I'm fairly sure your first paragraph isn't correct, although I'm prepared to proven wrong. The PM can only come from a pool of MPs, unless the Lords are technically described as MPs?


The second paragraph is indeed correct with pedant mode engaged. The Queen has never refused a recommended candidate that has been put forward by the governing party/ies, so in reality the candidate is chosen by the government but ceremonially anointed by the monarch.

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I'm fairly sure your first paragraph isn't correct, although I'm prepared to proven wrong. The PM can only come from a pool of MPs, unless the Lords are technically described as MPs?


The second paragraph is indeed correct with pedant mode engaged. The Queen has never refused a recommended candidate that has been put forward by the governing party/ies, so in reality the candidate is chosen by the government but ceremonially anointed by the monarch.


3rd Marquess of Sailsbury was PM entirely from the Lords until 1902.

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There have been lots of government ministers who were not MPs but in the house of Lords over the centuries. Although in the modern day it would be very unlikely as loosing her seat would be a large vote of no confidence from the most important constituency which is the voting public.


Still she would still be set up for life with a salary of 110K Per annum plus an armed guard for the rest of her life.

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Theresa Mayhem lost her seat years ago. The nullipara is totally shapeless. I hope she and her Tory mates lose all their seats because they are the natsy (spelling0 party. Capitalism is the mother of Fascism.


Why are there so many proletariat Tory voters? Crazy.




Left is right and RIGHT is wrong.

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