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Imagine a world without advertising executives

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No, I meant the other side of the coin. Most magazines and certainly nearly all review websites only exist because they earn money from displaying adverts. Without adverts, your review sites won't exist. So now you have a product that can't be advertised and review sites don't exist in order to highlight the product to the end consumer. So again, how is this product sold?.


They would not even be designed/made as no one would invest in a company that couldn't sell its products. However, there is an opening here for a local monopoly as potential customers would be unable to compare the prices/quality/ specs etc from the more distant competition.

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Yes, the government could, should, and would appropriate a portion of it.


After all, the government making the decision, and, implementing, a ban on marketing organisations, is going to save all businesses what is currently, in effect, a tax (10-40% of their profits) going to said marketing companies.


And, when it comes to social and health needs, we are in desperate need of funds that aren't going to come from anywhere else.


Do you realise the amount of money being talked about here? 10-40% of every businesses profits.


It's vast, and all going to what is IMO, a leech industry that is based largely on manipulation and deceit, to produce adverts and campaigns to 'persuade' consumers to spend money on products, not just on the basis of said products quality, but, more on the effectiveness of the marketing.


Try and run a business without paying that 10-40% of your profit to the marketing organisations- you will almost certainly fail.


What a waste of money that could be used for health and social provision, at a time when it's never been more needed.


A-ha - state control of industry (communism) -now we have your answer - thankyou.

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No, I meant the other side of the coin. Most magazines and certainly nearly all review websites only exist because they earn money from displaying adverts. Without adverts, your review sites won't exist. So now you have a product that can't be advertised and review sites don't exist in order to highlight the product to the end consumer. So again, how is this product sold?


This forum only exists due to adverts by the way. Ban marketing and SF wouldn't exist either.


All that is true, here and now, in a world where marketing is all pervasive and soaking up 10-40% of every businesses profits.


Of course, in that world, any business not paying it's 10-40% to marketing organisations will fail. I've pointed that out several times.


However, we're talking about a world post the ban on marketing organisations, where no business pays 10-40% of its profits to marketing orgs.


As I've already shown, in that world, sales would continue, because people still have to buy things.


So all these objections of 'how's a company going to sell this that, the other' are irrelevant. People will buy, therefore there must also be selling.


Have any of you noticed how, since tobacco advertisings been banned, people still manage to buy cigarettes, and, hence, companies still sell them?


Without adverts, your review sites won't exist.
So you're predicting that, in a future world without marketing and advertising companies, review sites won't exist?


I'd love to see your reasoning for that.


(and if the reasoning includes reference to how things are in a different world, where marketing companies still exist, then clearly, it's not that relevant to a world where they don't).


---------- Post added 13-05-2017 at 15:39 ----------


So if they can't invest in marketing/advertising, most businesses will either fail, be unable to grow or even start which means they'll be little or no profits to re-direct anywhere.


So...in a world where marketing/advertising is banned, all the businesses will fail??:huh:




I agree that in the current world where marketing is all pervasive, any business not handing over it's 10-40% for marketing, will fail.


Why will it fail in a world with no marketing/advertising for any business?

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All that is true, here and now, in a world where marketing is all pervasive and soaking up 10-40% of every businesses profits.


Of course, in that world, any business not paying it's 10-40% to marketing organisations will fail. I've pointed that out several times.


However, we're talking about a world post the ban on marketing organisations, where no business pays 10-40% of its profits to marketing orgs.


As I've already shown, in that world, sales would continue, because people still have to buy things.



You've shown nowt Dave.

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So you're predicting that, in a future world without marketing and advertising companies, review sites won't exist?


I'd love to see your reasoning for that.


So...in a world where marketing/advertising is banned, all the businesses will fail??:huh:



Why will it fail in a world with no marketing/advertising for any business?


Just ask the members of the Dragon team why they wouldnt invest! Would you invest in a company that can't advertise or promote its products?


It's common knowledge whats available in the local shops, but goods and services not in the vicinity of potential customers need to be advertised: As a minimum, their address, phone no, website and product/services offered. Is this not advertising? Council services (chargeable)?


Review sites themselves can be forms of promotion and advertising.

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Review sites themselves can be forms of promotion and advertising.


Indeed, and, previously noted-


i.e. how will someone buy whatever high tech device they desire? How will they choose which particular model to buy?


The answer is of course, tech review magazines/online sites.


(or one answer- obviously things like 'word of mouth' are relevant)


Which is how some of us already make our decisions, certainly, I do.


The challenge presently, is that of discerning the genuine objective review sites from those that are masquarading as such, but, in reality, are fronts for the manufacturers, and, consequently, give less honest reviews.


A ban on marketing should assist greatly with that problem.

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It depends what kind of ban is envisaged, if it is UK only then it would have limited effect. It really wouldn't be tenable unless everything was state contolled, private enterprise would be futile beyond the locality for if we can't advertise or market a product or service then it is pointless! Also, the type of packaging of food/ products can be a form of advertising in itself.

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businesses having to pay 10-40% of their profit to marketing companies just to survive (money which could otherwise be redirected to health services and social funds).


Then they will just be paying 10-40% of their expenditure on marketing, using their in-house facilities, rather than marketing firms. This is what *most* companies actually do at the moment. If they don't, they may well find they simply slide out of public view.


Those with the best in-house facilities may take on marketing work for other firms. Would that be illegal under your rules too? What if their marketing department became so good that the whole company dropped its original business as less profitable, and focused on marketing?

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Then they will just be paying 10-40% of their expenditure on marketing, using their in-house facilities, rather than marketing firms. This is what *most* companies actually do at the moment. If they don't, they may well find they simply slide out of public view.


Those with the best in-house facilities may take on marketing work for other firms. Would that be illegal under your rules too? What if their marketing department became so good that the whole company dropped its original business as less profitable, and focused on marketing?


Then it's a matter of seeing what happens when marketing companies are banned.


The highly successful bans on tobacco advertising, followed by bans on smoking in public, came in, as these things do, in stages.


If removing the marketing companies isn't sufficient, then ban adverts.


But, given that a world without marketing companies will be so different to the current one, it's totally impossible to predict how well it will work- it may be that the improvements are so great that most of the population start to see just how damaging marketing and advertising have been to society and human progress. In which case, advertising may become very unpopular without the need for legislation.

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