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Imagine a world without advertising executives

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As you said before-



So NHS websites will not be shut down, unless they carry what the law defines as advertising/marketing (in which case, the illegal content would be removed).


Some leaflets will be removed from surgeries, as a lot of them are blatant advertising.


Once again though, I'll point out that a ban on marketing companies will obviously precede an ban on advertising per se, and, it may well turn out that shutting down the marketing companies will make an advertising ban unnecessary.


What happens if I have a marketing department within my company? How would you define marketing?

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As you said before-



So NHS websites will not be shut down, unless they carry what the law defines as advertising/marketing (in which case, the illegal content would be removed).


Some leaflets will be removed from surgeries, as a lot of them are blatant advertising.


Once again though, I'll point out that a ban on marketing companies will obviously precede an ban on advertising per se, and, it may well turn out that shutting down the marketing companies will make an advertising ban unnecessary.


So how are you going to ban the marketing companies and what makes them a marketing company. Also penalties - how are you going to enforce this because if it's just a light slap of a fine this will just be the cost of doing business and nothing will change. We talking jail time here?

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How many people will lose their jobs if marketing is banned, and does the expected revenues to be stolen from company profits pay for their unemployment benefit as well as fixing all the problems in the NHS?

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How many people will lose their jobs if marketing is banned,


Everyone currently working in a marketing company.


and does the expected revenues to be stolen from company profits pay for their unemployment benefit as well as fixing all the problems in the NHS?


Yes, freeing up the 10-40% of every businesses profits that currently go marketing/adverts would cover the unemployment benefit for that portion who need it (they'll have good cvs and work histories, so many would find other work).

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Everyone currently working in a marketing company.




Yes, freeing up the 10-40% of every businesses profits that currently go marketing/adverts would cover the unemployment benefit for that portion who need it (they'll have good cvs and work histories, so many would find other work).


What about TV and films? Will Bond be driving a de-badged trabant and shooting a generic gun? Champions league football could be interesting - not that UK teams would get past the qualifiers after being spanked by some Greek team with a shirt sponsorship deal.

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